FULL SHOW: Loren LoRosa Cohosts, Getting Back Because Of The D, Has A Relationship Ended Without Notice? and More! - The Breakfast Club | iHeart (2024)

Speaker 1 (00:00):
Good morning in Usa yo yo yo yo yo yo
yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo
yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo
yo yo.

Speaker 2 (00:06):
Yo yo Charlamagne, God, Peace of the Planning is.

Speaker 1 (00:09):
Monday, Yes, it's Monday. Back to the work week. And
we got a special guest host with us today. Ye,
Lauren lo Rosa. Now she's uh nationally, she's go on
weekdays on Fox as a senior news producer and reporter
at TMZ as well.

Speaker 3 (00:26):
Oh wait, yeah, I mean technically yes, I was a
senior news producer TMZ.

Speaker 4 (00:32):
Hello World. I am no longer at TMZ.

Speaker 3 (00:34):
Anymore when this happened, literally since about three days ago.
Jesus correct, yes, Jesus, Okay, yes, do they know, they know,
they know, Yes, this is wrong.

Speaker 2 (00:46):
It was not technically technically.

Speaker 3 (00:49):
Not like the time that you received that that was
you know, we were not. I was naturally syndicated Monday
through Friday on Fox. I think a lot of people
will recognize the voice in the name because I was, like,
you know, one of like maybe two black people that
they had on air.

Speaker 5 (01:02):
Oh you was on the Okay when you say Fox,
because people say Foxy think Fox News was on the
TMZ show that syndicated on t Fix.

Speaker 3 (01:07):
Yeah, but when you're trying to put yourself up the brand,
sometimes you can't always just sit say TMZ. You gotta
say Fox because people will be like, oh, TMZ. So
we had structured the bio that way. But yeah, So
I did the shows TMZ Live, TMC on TV which
is primetime, all the specials.

Speaker 4 (01:21):
You know, they had me everywhere.

Speaker 2 (01:23):
Friday was your last day, is what you're saying. On Thursday.

Speaker 3 (01:25):
Friday was supposed to be my last day. But I
got a call Tuesday and I was so, don't come
back into the office.

Speaker 2 (01:29):
Damn Jesus. So what So what happened?

Speaker 4 (01:33):
I mean, I think it was just time.

Speaker 3 (01:35):
I think I had reached that ceiling for myself, and
you know, I'm trying to build out. I have bron
Gar Grinding, which is a broadcast media and production company
and we do development, We do a bunch of different things.
And for me, I was being offered a lot there,
but not offered a lot like so, you know, there
was a podcast that we were shooting that I wasn't
going to be compensated for upfront.

Speaker 4 (01:54):
There was no credit going to happen.

Speaker 3 (01:56):
I just want to do, you know, start building like
in a real way, ownership way, not just on a
pl form as a part of a brand. And you know,
they'd in the line there. So I decided to step
away and wanted to do it the right way. But
you know, unfortunately, I feel like things in the way
that I would have wanted them to. I had to
follow HR reports and stuff like that. But you know,
now we're here, I'm appreciative of all of my time

that I've had there. I love everybody know differently, but
I did not appreciate the way that I had to
leave that room.

Speaker 2 (02:24):
But Lauren came in hot, you.

Speaker 3 (02:25):
Know, I came and telling the truth. We're here now
that it's been amazing. I'm blessed and I'm thankful for
everything that got me to this point.

Speaker 2 (02:32):
And you know, we happy to have you here this morning.

Speaker 4 (02:36):
For having that. I appreciate it.

Speaker 2 (02:38):
Jesus Christ.

Speaker 5 (02:38):
But how was your weekend, Shelby. I had a great weekend, man.
I did a lot of reading. I did a lot
of writing because you know, I'm working on my third book,
and I got the opportunity to watch they cloned Tyrone.

Speaker 2 (02:50):
How was it?

Speaker 5 (02:50):
A couple of times. Oh, I thoroughly enjoyed it. Thoroughly
watched it this weekend.

Speaker 4 (02:54):
Did you dress up when you watched it?

Speaker 2 (02:56):

Speaker 5 (02:57):
I mean cause I didn't really know what to expect
from it. I didn't know what it was. But you know,
I love, uh love. I love a good sci fi
conspiracy thriller, especially a sci fi conspiracy thriller starring black people,
because you know, you don't really see black people in
science fiction roles too much.

Speaker 2 (03:12):
So I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Speaker 5 (03:14):
I don't even want to talk to nobody who hasn't
watched it at least twice, then we can have a discussion.

Speaker 4 (03:18):
It's one of them.

Speaker 2 (03:19):
It's one of them, I think.

Speaker 3 (03:20):
Okay, first, I actually you dress up, because you know,
everybody's out with the Barbie movie this weekend.

Speaker 2 (03:25):
I took my daughter to see that.

Speaker 5 (03:26):
I didn't go see it, but I took her to
go meet with her friends to go see it on Saturday.

Speaker 1 (03:31):
And yes, everybody was definitely everybody was dressed up. My kids,
my kids went to go see and my daughters went
to go see that. I didn't go take them. One
of the neighbors took all the girls. So I just
you know my olders didn't like it though. She's she
said that it's uh. She said it's not for kids
at all, because you know.

Speaker 3 (03:45):
My sister saying, because barbies aren't for kids. But I
can understand, I can understand with the cast that they have.
I don't really know how that storyline with that cast
been for children.

Speaker 2 (03:56):
Yeah, Mercedes, my sister when she says she loved it,
says too big to be in the ball up. Man,
I ain't saying old either. I say big. You know,
I heard what you said. She's six three leave alone
all right with the size twelve.

Speaker 3 (04:07):
And I feel like they have six three twelve and
to have shoot inclusive barbies like in three there.

Speaker 1 (04:12):
You might be right squas alone. Good morning, Ben, all right.
I was out in Detroit over the weekend. We did
that festival that shouted Detroit.

Speaker 6 (04:21):

Speaker 1 (04:22):
It was twenty thousand people at that festival. It was
a little bit of rain, people still stayed. That was
the one where Monica jumped off stage. And we'll get
into that in the room is don't play with Monica.
Monica's about that life. So Monica don't need a barber,
she need a g I Joe.

Speaker 5 (04:34):
That's Monica, if you haven't made a dollarbout going and
they gotta be a g I Joe.

Speaker 3 (04:38):
Now, last time the g I Joe g I Jane
Joe kid didn't go well, so that is true.

Speaker 2 (04:43):
But she definitely need a g I Joe action figure.

Speaker 1 (04:44):
That's but when we come back, we got Front Page
News Testling figure out we'll be joining us. So to
keep it locked, it's the Breakfast Club on BT owning everybody.
It's the dj en V Charlamagne, the gud We are
the Breakfast Club.

Speaker 2 (04:55):
Good Morning.

Speaker 1 (04:56):
We got our guest co hosts from UH formerly from TMZ,
Lauren La So yeah, and let's get in some Front
page News Tessling figure over, good Morning.

Speaker 7 (05:05):
Good Morning, dj in the good Morning, Beautiful Lorenn and
Charlemagne the God Morning.

Speaker 1 (05:12):
Let's start with Magic Johnson. He was one of the owners,
one of the people in the group that bought the Commanders.
So congratulations to Magic Johnson from Magic Johnson Man, come on, man,
black NFL owner.

Speaker 2 (05:25):
He started crying when he was talking about it.

Speaker 8 (05:28):
I don't know why God blessed me with these opportunities,
but I want to exhale not only for myself and
my family, but for all African Americans and making sure
we can see ourselves in these seats and I want
people to know that.

Speaker 9 (05:51):
We can do the job.

Speaker 2 (05:53):
And even sitting here with you now it's a blessing.

Speaker 1 (06:02):
And he sat down with Craig Melvin. So congratulations to
Magic Johnson. I'm not sure if he still owns a
percentage of the Dodgers is what he does? So he
owns a percentage of the Dodgers, percentage of the Command.
Does he own a percentage of the Lakers?

Speaker 2 (06:13):
He did that at one point.

Speaker 5 (06:14):
I'm not sure if he still does solutagic Is there
any athlete who's had a better uh career off the
court than Magic? Justin Jesus wise, him and Shock, Shock
got a crazy and of course Jordan because Jordan got
the Jordan brand. But I'm talking about Magic. Magic might
be number one, you know.

Speaker 3 (06:29):
And I think with Magic too, a lot of the
stuff that he's done, he's like been like one of
the first to kind of get in these like different
arenas and having to break down.

Speaker 4 (06:38):
I think that's probably why I'm so heavy for him
when you listen to you.

Speaker 6 (06:41):
Know what I mean.

Speaker 1 (06:42):
Now, let's talk about what's going on with fam You,
Now Yeah, and other sports news.

Speaker 7 (06:48):
Fam You has banned as players from the team facilities
after a rap video by Real Boston Richie features some
of the students in the locker room.

Speaker 10 (06:56):
Without permission being granted.

Speaker 7 (06:57):
Now coach Willie Simmons said that the team facility, weight room,
and access to the stadium field were off limits to
all players until he and the administration could sort out
who was involved in a video shoot. Simmons said that
that in the post that while he is a proponent
of free speech in all forms of musical expression, the
team has a responsibility to protect the university's image. Now

when he's talking about image, he's saying that the video
contained graphic language that is not consistent with famuse core values,
principles and beliefs, and an internal investigation is underway to
determine who authorized the use of not only the facility,
but also the license of peril that potentially violates university
branding and licensing agreements.

Speaker 10 (07:39):
Take a quick listen to some of the lyrics and
we'll talk about it.

Speaker 3 (07:42):
On the other side, I was confused about this jam
because if you watch the video, it's like a real video.
How did they even shoot the full video without anyone
saying you shouldn't be doing this.

Speaker 1 (07:53):
Oh, we don't know what time they shot it, but
I will say this with fam you they're very serious
about that locker room. So I went out there last
year and I had to do interviews with HBCU go
talking about HBCUs and they have a logo in the
middle of it. And when I walked in there, you're
not supposed to step on the logo.

Speaker 2 (08:08):
I didn't know that.

Speaker 1 (08:09):
I stepped on the logo and the whole team made
me do twenty push ups like that's part.

Speaker 4 (08:12):
Of like this, do you like the new person on
the yard?

Speaker 8 (08:16):

Speaker 2 (08:16):
Did you get through the twenty? I sure did, okay,
grown ass man.

Speaker 1 (08:19):
But there's very serious about their organization, their locker room
and what happened.

Speaker 2 (08:23):
So I mean, it's crazy.

Speaker 5 (08:25):
And he performed before the Ratlers homecoming game last season,
so like you know, even if he did that, somebody
had to listen to the lyrics and say, Okay, he's
cool to perform. But I think it's the unauthorization right,
the fact that he shot the video unauthorized and he
had on the team helmet. It's one thing if you
got a jersey on, because you can get a jersey somewhere,
but you had the helmet on and the thing. Yeah,
of course they want to know what they want to
know what students let them in, That's what they want

to know.

Speaker 7 (08:47):
Yeah, he also had on some Nike uh you know
again with the school logos without permission, so they were,
you know, concerned about that being trademark infringement. They could
possibly you know, cause problems again with financial support. You know,
we talk a lot about it. We see us and
making sure, you know, they have the support. So when
they're looking at this also just conversations outside, you know,
with these young men. You know, will it affect scholarships?

Could it affect funding? You know, the larger picture on
the pr mess that this has caused. And I don't
know what song Charlamane you said he performed and he
performed this particular record last year or oh, I don't know,
but but.

Speaker 2 (09:21):
I can I can almost guarantee that all his music
is the same.

Speaker 4 (09:26):
It's like branding approved.

Speaker 1 (09:29):
Yeah, but all homecomings they don't they don't check the lyrics,
like when when allis come from home coming, they come
from home coming, like when Little Baby performs homecoming or
the baby or whoever may be. They perform their music,
they're not going to do clean versions that they perform
for the students, correct.

Speaker 7 (09:42):
Correct, but performing for the exactly I get performing for
the students, and you know, saying using those type of
lyrics with actual fam you apparel on.

Speaker 10 (09:50):
You know some people are you know offended by that
and the brand, you know.

Speaker 5 (09:54):
The authorized That's the biggest thing. The fact that he
wasn't supposed to be that. Let's let's just be clear
on that. That the real issue, right.

Speaker 1 (10:01):
All right, Well that is front page news. Test was
seen in a couple of minutes. Absolutely all right, get
it off your chest. Eight hundred five eight five one
oh five one. If you need to vent, phone lines
wide open. Let us know how your weekend was, what
you did, if it was great, if it wasn't, if
you feel blessed, if you need to get some things
off your chest. Eight hundred five eight five one oh
five one, hit us up right now, and our guest
co host, Lauren le Ross's here.

Speaker 2 (10:22):
It's the Breakfast Club. Good morning, the Breakfast Club.

Speaker 6 (10:28):
It's a new day.

Speaker 2 (10:29):
Is your time to get it off your chest? Wait,
whether you're man or blessed. Time to get up and
get something. Call up now eight hundred five eight five
one five one. We want to hear from you on
the breakfast club. Hello, who's this Andre? Andre?

Speaker 6 (10:45):
What up?

Speaker 2 (10:45):
Get it off your chest?

Speaker 6 (10:46):
Brother, man, Let's have a good weekend. I saw you
and be straight. I was at the conclort and or
she could have let you man, but uh, you know
your great guy and I have fun.

Speaker 1 (10:58):
I'm I'm glad you had fun. Did you see when
my Monica jumped into the crowd?

Speaker 6 (11:01):
Yes, sir, yes, there that was interesting.

Speaker 2 (11:05):
Monica wasn't playing.

Speaker 6 (11:06):
No, man, that's about it. Did you see what I'm
glad that she stood up though?

Speaker 2 (11:11):
Yeah, that was good. You see what saucy Santana jumped
into the crowd. I see Santana jumps in the crowd,
jumping the crowd. Was it a fight er?

Speaker 7 (11:19):
He just was not.

Speaker 2 (11:20):
He was just performing. Oh so she said where my game?
Where he's at? And he just jumped in in the crowd.
You know what's funny? I caught him. No, no, he
didn't jump like jumping the crowd like that.

Speaker 9 (11:31):

Speaker 1 (11:35):
You know it's funny. I had who caught that? And
I would not smoke the hookahs. Saucy Santana was performed
hookas shame. You were absolutely you got down in your
hookah dope dope.

Speaker 6 (11:47):
Yeah, And I wasn't. I wasn't trying to like look
at him like that because I was looking at my.

Speaker 2 (11:54):
First of all. The fact that you got to say
that lets me know you was looking at like that.
There was no need to even say that, I will.
I wasn't even looking at him like that.

Speaker 5 (12:05):
Now you were looking at Saucy Santana. Saucy started to working.
He couldn't keep your eyes off it.

Speaker 4 (12:10):
Tell he has a great show he puts on.

Speaker 2 (12:15):
This guy's blushing that you say you hear him? How
can we hear you blushing?

Speaker 9 (12:21):

Speaker 6 (12:26):

Speaker 2 (12:27):
Hello, Yo?

Speaker 7 (12:28):
What up?

Speaker 2 (12:29):
Getting off your chest?

Speaker 11 (12:30):
Hey, how's it going?

Speaker 9 (12:31):

Speaker 12 (12:32):
This is Tim your favorite white Listen too?

Speaker 2 (12:35):
Hey, what's something Tim? No favorite white listed from Toledo?
Get it off your chest?

Speaker 12 (12:38):
Hey, guys, I haven't talked to you in a while.
Every time I start my morning with you guys and
my medical marijuana up, my.

Speaker 13 (12:47):
Week goes great.

Speaker 6 (12:48):
Word but toxic people.

Speaker 12 (12:51):
I want to say real quick.

Speaker 14 (12:52):
I had me and my fiance had.

Speaker 15 (12:54):
Moved out of the suburb of Tolgo that we've been
living in, dealing with the cops, and and uh, I
was having a little fire.

Speaker 13 (13:02):
The last day that I was there, kind of.

Speaker 12 (13:04):
Cleaning up my backyard, which is totally ego.

Speaker 11 (13:07):
We was ain't doing that for years. I haven't had
any problem.

Speaker 15 (13:10):
And the neighbors who I've had issues with, decided to
call the fire department on us, and the two fires
the guys that showed up originally laughed and said, we're
out of here.

Speaker 13 (13:23):
We've seen enough.

Speaker 15 (13:24):
You can't you guys, do what.

Speaker 14 (13:25):
You gotta do, burn, burn while you on.

Speaker 15 (13:28):
And then the fire chief shows up and pulls out
some law on the state of Ohio, Uh, that I
can't burn anything that had keys on it and all
this horse And.

Speaker 2 (13:41):
I'm like, are you talking about this morning? Some stuff
in his backyard?

Speaker 9 (13:45):
Man? What was you burning?

Speaker 14 (13:46):

Speaker 15 (13:49):
Some branches and stuff that I had cut down like
two years earlier.

Speaker 8 (13:53):
Bro, right now.

Speaker 11 (13:59):
And that I'm having disc Who do you think at
the stop?

Speaker 5 (14:02):
Signed? Yeah, because you're smoking right now. You're burning something
right now and it's probably weed, and they're about to
pull you over.

Speaker 2 (14:10):
We did too, because he's everywhere everywhere. We used to
have to burn trash when we was young though, because
you know, growing up in Monsco on the.

Speaker 5 (14:15):
South Line, and we didn't have a sanitation trash man,
so we used to have to We used to burn
our own trash for a while. I don't know when
we started actually getting trash people to pick up the trash.

Speaker 2 (14:26):
I don't remember. As a kid, y'all didn't have a
garbage man. No, we used to burn trash in the backyard.
You know, he did I ever Queens, we always had
garbage man.

Speaker 5 (14:34):
The sanitation had no experiences in New York. Y'all don't
even hunt rats. Why would you wait, y'all need something?
I have no experiences growing up. Yeah, we used to
burn trash.

Speaker 2 (14:45):
If you're from the country, you burn trash when you
was if you grew up in a certain era. I
grew up in the nineteen hundreds.

Speaker 1 (14:50):
Get it off your chest, eight hundred and five eighty five, Laurn.
Did you burn trash?

Speaker 9 (14:54):
I did.

Speaker 3 (14:54):
I'm from Delaware, and no, we did not burn trash.
My grandma was sold twenty two about thirty one. Oh,
but I didn't burn trash. And even if hey, that's
not you know, we had trash people that came.

Speaker 1 (15:06):
That right, we'll call us up right now, I get
it off your chances. The breakfast club, Good morning, the
breakfast club, and it.

Speaker 6 (15:14):
Was fitting all and the paper died. She got charged
with manslaughter, which I think they should have grad but
I didn't want. I want you to do man, that
got most Jeff for need don't you other day? Man? No?

Speaker 2 (15:25):
No, I saw that a couple of a couple of
weeks ago that was actually in Charleston, right.

Speaker 15 (15:29):
Woa, that was in National County flotball test.

Speaker 4 (15:32):
But that's how does she like, what does she confuse
it with?

Speaker 2 (15:37):
Like Lauren, is that only think she confused cocaine for
fattoo for a baby?

Speaker 3 (15:41):
No, I'm just saying, because you know, people put stuff
in bottles like you may put a little melotone in
or like you know what I mean, like.

Speaker 1 (15:46):
People do the caca down south? Isn't cocaine upper like
cocaine not the baby up?

Speaker 4 (15:51):
But not too much of anybody that's going to do
well for an infant.

Speaker 5 (15:54):
Yeah, said she did it on purpose, just because she
was tired and she was trying to get the baby
go to sleep, right, But I thought, but.

Speaker 6 (16:00):
Here go the whole thing he'll go the whole thing.
But if my cocaine days cocaine kept me, who think
it's gonna put you the street?

Speaker 2 (16:06):
That's what I was saying.

Speaker 5 (16:09):
Cocaine, my cocaine days cocaine can be woke.

Speaker 2 (16:15):
But he's right, that's what I was saying. Absolutely right.

Speaker 4 (16:18):
But it's a baby, y'all. That gets different.

Speaker 2 (16:20):
Yeah, I mean I remember then she got a lovely baby,
she chirping out. We used to take liquor, were not weed,
but they used to take liquor and put the liquor
your gums back.

Speaker 4 (16:31):
People still do that.

Speaker 2 (16:32):
I ain't never heard about. No cocaine. That's a new one.
That's this new generation.

Speaker 4 (16:36):
Don't put that on us.

Speaker 2 (16:39):
The baby bottle, we were just doing kanyaking. That's just why.

Speaker 15 (16:43):
Hello, who's this Hey?

Speaker 2 (16:47):
Get it off your chest, mama.

Speaker 11 (16:48):
All right.

Speaker 14 (16:49):
So I've been in a relationship for six years together
two years ago.

Speaker 11 (16:56):
They haven't basically putting my throne.

Speaker 14 (16:58):
Down, you know, and I haven't officially broke up with him, but.

Speaker 1 (17:07):
With all right, so let me get this straight, because
you're talking a little rough. Have you been in a
relationship with somebody for six years and you went on
a date and you're cheating on him.

Speaker 3 (17:16):
It's not cheating because she's meant it's not because what
she's mentally out of her relationship.

Speaker 2 (17:22):
But did you're telling me you were out of a relationship.

Speaker 11 (17:24):
Yeah, we had a conversation.

Speaker 2 (17:26):
We had a conversation that, like she told me, the
will's are turning.

Speaker 10 (17:30):
It's okay.

Speaker 13 (17:31):
So we have a lead back in a few days,
and I'm going back to.

Speaker 11 (17:37):
My parents, going back to this mom.

Speaker 14 (17:39):
And I was like, let's going to focus on myself
if you want to get better, and then maybe in
the future so you can get you know, get back together.

Speaker 3 (17:47):
But well, I guess you had a great weekend, right,
Is he going to be okay with getting back together
after like, you know, it seems like you're the first
person to start dating.

Speaker 4 (18:00):
He probably isn't taking that too well.

Speaker 5 (18:06):
Well, dating is one thing. Did you sleep with somebody else?
Did you put your mouth on somebody else? Jesus, cause
those are the questions he's going to ask. Okay, well,
there shouldn't be no problem then, right, Well, good luck,
that's all that's what we got for you this morning.

Speaker 2 (18:21):
Just lucky. That's the only thing on complicated. The man
gonna ask those questions. He's gonna be Yo, did you
sleep with somebody else? You touch somebody else?

Speaker 3 (18:30):
She say no, Okay, He's not gonna believe her either way,
though maybe like there's no going back.

Speaker 4 (18:36):
She's outside.

Speaker 1 (18:37):
Now get it off your chest. Eight hundred and five
eighty five, one oh five one. When we come back,
we got your room or report. Monica R and B singer,
you know she sings, sings those beautiful soulful souls. Well,
don't mess it up because in Detroit she jumped in
the crowd to protect a woman.

Speaker 2 (18:53):
We'll tell you that.

Speaker 5 (18:53):
It's a shame people just learning this about Monica though.
It's a shame that y'all just realizing this is how
Monica get down.

Speaker 1 (19:00):
If you want to, well, we'll get into it when
we come back as the Breakfast Club on BT The
Breakfast Club Morning Everybody, It's DJ n V, Charlamagne the
gud we are the Breakfast Club. We get our guest
co host Laura Larrosa here and let's get to the rumors.
Let's talk monicall out of name or you gossip.

Speaker 2 (19:24):
This is the rumor report.

Speaker 4 (19:25):
I mean, I guess we're on the Breakfast Club. This
is where the tea spells right yes.

Speaker 1 (19:29):
Now over the week and I was out in Detroit,
djay and a festival is the Riverfront Music Festival. It
was Monica Ashanti's Saucy Santana and myself. Now, first of all,
let me salute to the promoters. There are a bunch
of brothers and sisters, Black brothers and black sisters that
put this together. It was amazing. Over twenty thousand people.
It was raining like crazy. People stayed in that rain. Uh,

and there was no issues but one. And people don't
know what happened in this issue. But as Monica was performing,
I guess a man and a woman got into an altercation.
I don't know who swung on who first or how
the fight started, but uh, there is actual video of
the guys swinging on the young lady at the festival.
Monica seen it as she were performing, and she jumped

off stage to make sure the woman was okay. So
when Monica jumped into the crowd, her security jumped into
the crowd, and Monica was going at that that man like, now,
you don't never put your hands on a woman.

Speaker 2 (20:21):
And then she got back on stage and this is
what she said, like.

Speaker 9 (20:27):
That listen, listen like that lady, lady like that.

Speaker 4 (20:43):
I want to apologize.

Speaker 2 (20:44):
Y'all triggered me.

Speaker 1 (20:46):
Y'all seen him punch that lady in the face.

Speaker 9 (20:47):
I lost my time.

Speaker 4 (20:50):
I apologize, y'all. Apologize from the bottom of my heart.
I apologize.

Speaker 11 (20:55):

Speaker 4 (20:56):
I'm gonna knock something.

Speaker 5 (20:59):
If this surprised you about Monica, And you know you
don't know Monica. Monica harder than a lot of you
negros Gunica, okay, And I know everybody wants their own Barbie,
but Monica needs her own g I Joe, Okay. Monica
don't need a doll, she needs an action figure. And
one of her accessories will absolutely be a nine milimeter pistol.
And if you know Monica, then you know I'm not
exaggerating in any way, shape or form, not at all.

Speaker 2 (21:19):
And I would hope that security.

Speaker 5 (21:21):
Or someone reacted to this before Monica did what you
mean like, I would hope that, you know, like she
saw it, but them security reacted and then she.

Speaker 1 (21:29):
Well, the only bad thing is with twenty thousand people
and you see something like that, it's hard to pick
out where it's happening. So I guess Monica' seening it
because it's pretty close. So Monica just went right into
protecting Molde and just dove write it.

Speaker 3 (21:39):
Yeah, she she commented, and like to like clear it
air or whatever. And she said that at the time
that she jumped in, no one was taking action and
she could tell that the woman didn't even know the man,
So you know, she was sugar about her. She was like,
I felt like it was like my mom or my
aunt being assaulted.

Speaker 2 (21:54):
So and also, who punches somebody at a Monica show?
At Anica show? What sets you off for you? No,
don't take a personal angel of mind, silly of me.
Monica don't have one record that incites violence. No, nothing,
turn up nothing.

Speaker 1 (22:09):
It was that it was that type of a vibe
though it was nothing but a lot of women. It
was everybody was just in a good space and the
weather was beautiful. The sun had just came down. So
I don't know what made him mad.

Speaker 2 (22:21):
That's crazy.

Speaker 4 (22:22):
You were there with your hookah.

Speaker 2 (22:23):
I was there with my little hookah.

Speaker 5 (22:25):
That's crazy that you didn't want to smoke your hookahcause
Saucy Santana was there, And Saucy Santana then got on
you one time about smoking hookah. Right, and so now
you afraid to put that hookah to your lips because
of Saucy Santana.

Speaker 1 (22:35):
Yes, because I think he said something like straight man
that smoked hooker want to be gay. He said something
like that. And when I the hookah came insecure you
Ki Saucy Ca Saucy came on and I was like,
I'm not putting this in my mouth.

Speaker 2 (22:47):
Saucy here.

Speaker 5 (22:48):
You don't know who you are. I know who I
got six turn I know, okay, you happily married man. Correct,
But you second guessing yourself because I wasn't second yessing myself.

Speaker 2 (22:57):
I was not putting that thing in my mouth.

Speaker 4 (22:59):
Paused, And what's the what's your flavor?

Speaker 2 (23:02):
What's your I'm not messing with child like the fruit
flavors poor. The fruity flavors.

Speaker 9 (23:09):
Mess up.

Speaker 2 (23:09):
The voice sometimes mess throat you want. You knew not
to say throat in that moment. All right, Jamie Fox
speaks out. Finally, your throat is worse than that. When
you wiggled your throat, nah, nah, you know.

Speaker 4 (23:25):
He didn't wigglely. He caressed you.

Speaker 2 (23:27):
Correct. Long you're just gonna jump in with him.

Speaker 4 (23:29):
I'm sorry you opened it you said, definitely took it there.

Speaker 2 (23:34):
Definitely. Jamie Fox speaks out about what's been going on
with him and how he's been feeling. Finally now, you know.

Speaker 16 (23:41):
By being quiet sometimes things you know, get out of hand.

Speaker 2 (23:45):
People saying what I got.

Speaker 16 (23:46):
Some people said I was I was blind, but as
you can see, as you can see, the eyes are
working set, I was paralyzed. I'm not paralyzed, but I
did go through I went to hell him back, and
I just want to like say that I that I
I love every and I love all of the love
that I got. And man, you know, I know they
talk about people crying on videos. You know you could

do take two, but I'm not going to do a
take two.

Speaker 9 (24:10):
It is what it is.

Speaker 16 (24:10):
And then you know something talking about I'm clone, Well
check this out, just kid, not clone, man.

Speaker 2 (24:19):
But I'm here on earth because of some great people.
I'm here on earth because of God.

Speaker 9 (24:22):

Speaker 6 (24:23):
That's right.

Speaker 2 (24:24):
All praisers do to God all the time. Damnit.

Speaker 3 (24:26):
That video was hard to watch though, well, because you
could tell that he was like holding back tears. He
talked about like at one point they didn't know if
he would make it, and the tubes in his body
and I just can't imagine Jamie Fox that way.

Speaker 2 (24:39):
And that's what he said.

Speaker 1 (24:39):
He said he didn't want anybody to see him in
the hospital with tubes. That's why there was no pictures.
He said that his wife, not his wife, his daughter
and his sister kept everything quiet. And he said, if
you see him on the street and you want to
take a picture, or you know, you want to give
a pound or a hug. He said, if he cries,
just please understand that he's been through hell. So he's
going to be crying because he said, he's just happy
he made it out.

Speaker 5 (25:00):
Jamie did a great job playing slick Charles. And they
cloned Tyrone, and I'm giving y'all a few days before
we start discussing it openly. So if you haven't seen
they clone Tyrone yet on Netflix, you better hurry up.
I'm about to give spoilers because I need to talk
about this com.

Speaker 1 (25:13):
I'm moving, all right, And I didn't see that right now, no,
I see, yeah, all right, And last we got to
talk y nw Melly. He was accused of shooting Anthony
Williams and Christopher Thomas.

Speaker 2 (25:25):
Well, it looks like his trial was a mistrial.

Speaker 17 (25:28):
A mistrial declared in the double murder case against YNW. Melly.
Melle whose legal name is Jamel Demons, is charged in
the twenty eighteen shooting deaths of two of his friends,
bro Ketty. Prosecutors say the shooting was gang related and
they were seeking the death penalty. Mellie's attorneys argue the
gun used in the shootings was never recovered and that
Mellie had no apparent motive to shoot his friends. Prosecutors

will likely choose to retry the case with a new jury.

Speaker 2 (25:54):
Now what did that mean.

Speaker 3 (25:58):
I think it's with the state. I'm assuming that they
will because you, I mean, he can't be tried for
the same thing, right because of double jeopardy.

Speaker 1 (26:05):
I have no idea. I don't know is he coming home.
I know that I saw them say that he had
a request of bond. I think he did request the bond.
I think he can be tried again, and I think
act yeah, I think the Feds can actually try him
as well. They haven't said what they're going to do now.
They haven't given him a bond as yet. But uh,
it was a mistrial, which looks like he will be
coming home. That's what they're saying, but that's.

Speaker 3 (26:26):
Like a mistrial and something like this, Like you guys
remember when this first started, like all the details and
they re enacted the crime scene like I thought they
had something.

Speaker 5 (26:34):
Yeah, and that's got to be devastating for the family
of the victims. Yeah, because they still don't have no closure.

Speaker 4 (26:40):
And they really they they one hundred percent believe that
that that what he's alleged of is what.

Speaker 2 (26:44):
Happened and if he, if he, if he, if he
didn't do it. I'm sure they're wondering what who did?

Speaker 9 (26:49):
Right, you know?

Speaker 1 (26:50):
But they said it was deadlock three times before the
judge ordered a mistrial, and they're saying county prosecutors were
seeking the death penalty and will most likely retried the case.
So they will retry the case, all right, and that
is your room or report now when we come back.
We got some front page news testling figure out will
be joining us, and we're taking your calls eight hundred five,
eight five one oh five to one.

Speaker 6 (27:09):

Speaker 1 (27:09):
Tiffany Hattish was doing an interview with I can't remember
what was the say. She was doing an interview huh
Washington Post. She talks about her relationship with common. She said,
everything was great, there was no problems, and then all
of a sudden, it was he just broke up with
me over the phone. She said she didn't see it coming,
she was blindsided. So we're asking, has that ever happened
to you? Have you ever been in a relationship? Things

were going so good, you thought that was the one
and then all of a sudden you get a text
in this so rap. We'll talk about it when we
come back as well. It's the Breakfast Club. Good morning,
the Breakfast Club. Your mornings will never be the same.
Are you someone who knows you don't have to sacrifice
comfort for quality, someone who lives large in life and
in the bedroom, then live large and now thinner with

new Magnum Raw condoms, the thinnest Magnum condom available where
condoms are sold.

Speaker 9 (27:55):
Owning Everybody's dj.

Speaker 1 (27:57):
NV Charlamagne the guy. We are the Breakfast Club. Now
we got our guest co host a Lauren LaRosa formerly
of TMZ.

Speaker 2 (28:05):
After what three days ago, just three days ago, she
was there that it was all good about it, and
it was all good just to be could go.

Speaker 1 (28:12):
Now, let's still get in some front page news with
Tesla figure Good morning, Test, Good.

Speaker 7 (28:16):
Morning, DJ Envy, Good morning Lorene, Good morning Charlemagne.

Speaker 1 (28:20):
I got a real question about this when when you
finished talking about him, Giden, He's gonna honor Emmett Till
with a national monument.

Speaker 2 (28:27):
Break that down.

Speaker 8 (28:28):

Speaker 7 (28:29):
Today, President Biden will sign a proclamation to establish a
national monument honoring Mmettil and his mother, Mamie Till Mobley.
The kidnapping, torture, and murder of the black fourteen year
old from Chicago by white supremacists in Mississippi, and his
mother's efforts to highlight the atrocity helped spur the civil
rights movement. The m Ma Till and Maymi Till Mobley

National Monument will be established at all three.

Speaker 10 (28:54):
Sites in Illinois and Mississippi.

Speaker 7 (28:57):
And as a reminder that after more than two hundred attempts,
the first ever anti lynching bill to make lynching a
federal crime, which just signed last year in twenty twenty two. Now,
the absence of that bill allowed the vast majority of
perpetrators to go unpunished in cases of those cases where
nearly they say, over sixty five hundred racial terror lynchings

between eighteen sixty five and nineteen fifty, So a lot
of folks got away with lynching because there was no
anti lynching bill, And so that's how those two things connect.

Speaker 10 (29:27):
And now President Biden is obviously, you know, moving forward
with a monument.

Speaker 2 (29:32):
I mean, I love the monument.

Speaker 6 (29:34):
I did.

Speaker 5 (29:34):
I know some folks, you know, may say nobody cares,
that's just symbolism. But the reality is when you live
in the world where folks are trying to revise history
and folks are trying to keep people from telling the
real history of things, that imagery is important because it
causes people to ask questions about who that is, and
the mantel's story will always be told whenever people see
that monument.

Speaker 3 (29:53):
Gather right, And I think if we learned anything from
the pandemic, remember you know, everybody was so up in
arms about the statues we were asking to be taken down,
So we need to understand that there is some significance
there because you know, they upset there.

Speaker 2 (30:04):
I think it's a great thing. I think it's wonderful.

Speaker 1 (30:05):
Like you said, it's a statue that people will continue
to ask who and what and why, and hopefully that
story continues on.

Speaker 2 (30:11):
But my question is that when Biden.

Speaker 1 (30:13):
If Biden does this, and let's say, you know Biden
sometimes can't remember things. Well, let's say Biden says the
wrong name. You know what I mean, shouldn't commonly be
doing some of this? Member Biden said pray for the
Queen a couple of weeks ago, and things like that.

Speaker 2 (30:25):
You think Biden gonna be like, we got an Emma
Smith monument.

Speaker 4 (30:29):
If he immag Jackson, I think it's over.

Speaker 5 (30:32):
Smith got an Emma Smith monument that we're putting up,
you know, in honor what happened to Emmi Smith?

Speaker 2 (30:37):
Like what I'm just I'm just asking. MDY had some
concerns asking.

Speaker 1 (30:42):
Now, let's talk about Minneapolis backing off arrest for psychedelic plants.

Speaker 7 (30:46):
Yeah, and looks like one of our colleges called in
this morning about his miracle marijuana. So Minneapolis is backing
away from enforcing laws and criminalized buying the psychedelic plants
or using.

Speaker 2 (30:56):
Them in private.

Speaker 7 (30:57):
Mayor Jacob Frag on Friday announced police stop using taxpayer.

Speaker 10 (31:01):
Dollars to enforce the laws against the plants.

Speaker 7 (31:04):
Minneapolis still prioritizes enforcing laws against selling the plants, bringing
them to school, or using them while driving, but yet
they're not going to enforce the laws to actually use it.
So it's kind of confusing there, But this is what
they're saying in the report. But the police chief said
that he stands by the mayor's decision. They also said
Mayor Frey said that the plants are used to treat

mental illness, including depression and post traumatic stress disorder, so
he says it's a good thing.

Speaker 10 (31:31):
But I did want to highlight this. Some experts caution that.

Speaker 7 (31:35):
More research is needed in order to see what these
psychedelic plants really do, and the American Psychological Association has
not endorsed the use of these plants in treatment. They
want to make sure that, you know, the Food and
Drug Administration has not made a final determination, but they
did list it as a breakthrough therapy, which means that
they are, you know, still doing some testing and wanting

to see, you know, the results.

Speaker 10 (31:58):
Another thing I found interesting.

Speaker 7 (32:00):
Guys, was I didn't know that ecstasy was also listed
as a breakthrough therapy, and they're hoping to see if
they can get that actually something that can be to
present to prevent PTSD treatment. So ecstasy, I guess, may
possibly become something you can use according to the Food
and Drug Administration.

Speaker 2 (32:20):
I'm not mad about that either.

Speaker 5 (32:21):
I feel like they should use They should feel like
that about heart of drugs too, though, because most of
these people are using the hard drugs as an escape.
So instead of sending them to jail, send them to
a rehab facility, get them some real mental health resources
instead of criminalizing people's addiction.

Speaker 1 (32:34):
Right, And I always find it confusing, right, And I'm
not sure about psychedelic plants, but I know, like when
you're talking about cannabis, it's so confusing.

Speaker 2 (32:41):
To try to figure out what states Is it legal in?
What states? Is it not legal in what states? You
can get arrested in it? For what states? You can't? Like,
that's just you know, I mean for.

Speaker 1 (32:49):
Somebody that needs it for their anxiety or needs it
and they're traveling, they're not thinking about that, you know.

Speaker 2 (32:54):
I mean, you just the state that you're in it's legal,
you know what I mean?

Speaker 5 (32:56):
Do they honor people's medical marijuana cars and other states?
Like if I medical marijuana car for Jersey, but I'm
in like Ohio, I don't think.

Speaker 3 (33:03):
I don't think so, I know what the GG had
the situation. I mean that was in a different state,
she was in a different country, but there were reports
that she had a medical marijuana card, and they still
like she had to pay whatever fee or whatever and
keep cited and all that stuff.

Speaker 4 (33:17):
So I don't think so and.

Speaker 7 (33:20):
Just says fy, right now, twenty three states do support
the legal use of cannabis.

Speaker 1 (33:27):
Because like even in parts of Detroit. I remember, I
don't even know if they finally passed it, but Detroit
was not.

Speaker 2 (33:34):
It was not recreation.

Speaker 1 (33:35):
It was only medicinal. But then you could go a
block over and that was recreational. So it's really weird.
So it's very confusing for people. And if you driving
around in your car you have it on you, you
couldn't get arrested, you know, I mean it creates a problem.

Speaker 4 (33:46):
You know, why is it taking so long? What's the
hang up?

Speaker 2 (33:48):
I don't know.

Speaker 6 (33:49):
I have no idea.

Speaker 2 (33:51):
All right, well that is front page News. Thank you, Tears.

Speaker 5 (33:55):
Absolutely make sure you subscribe to the No Chase of
podcasts on the Black Effect Heart Radio podcast network and
follow Teslin Figuro on all social media platforms at Teslin Figuro.

Speaker 1 (34:05):
All right, now, let's open up the phone lines. Eight
hundred five eight five one oh five to one. Tiffany
had it sat down with the Washington Post and she
was talking about her relationship with comment. She said, it
was the healthiest, the funniest relationship I've ever been in.
It was safe, it was fun, and then all of
a sudden, he broke up with us. She said she
was really blindsided. She said she thought the feeling was mutual.

Obviously it wasn't, and he didn't even do it owned
for the phone. He texted it and said it was over,
that his relationship was going in a new direction. So
let's open up the phone lines. Have you ever been
in that relationship where you thought things were going good,
you thought everything was great, and then all of a
sudden it wasn't. Let's talk about it. Have you been
in that type of relationship, laurreen No?

Speaker 9 (34:45):
Why he said like that?

Speaker 3 (34:46):
Uh No, because I just feel there's a lack of respective.
You can't even like you don't want to see me
and break up with me, and like I feel like
at that well, I'm not that age yet, but I
at that age, I would just be so pissed off
because like we're supposed to beginning talking about marriage and
at my age, Uh, Uh, don't play.

Speaker 6 (35:03):
With me like that.

Speaker 5 (35:04):
That's exactly what I'm bringing up with you over the phone,
energy in person, come in, you get the text me.

Speaker 4 (35:10):
What Monta say?

Speaker 6 (35:11):

Speaker 3 (35:11):
Im outside your mom house? Because why would you do that?
Why you've been That's the reason why I don't know
that play with people like that.

Speaker 2 (35:17):
I'm texting you. Nope, I'm texting when I'm in a
different state.

Speaker 4 (35:20):
I got a freaking fire miles.

Speaker 9 (35:22):
Don't play.

Speaker 2 (35:23):
We'll talk about it.

Speaker 1 (35:24):
What's your what's your thoughts? Eight hundred and five eight
five one oh five one. Have you ever been in
that situation? It's the Breakfast Club. Good morning, the Breakfast Club.

Speaker 2 (35:34):
It's topic times.

Speaker 9 (35:38):
The phone.

Speaker 18 (35:40):
Called eight hundred and five five one five one to
join into the discussion with the Breakfast Club.

Speaker 2 (35:45):
Talk about it.

Speaker 1 (35:46):
Warning, everybody's DJ n V Charlamagne the gud We are
the Breakfast Club. Now if you're just joining us, we
got our guest co host, Lawrence Rosa, formerly of TMZ.
We found out today. If you didn't know the story,
we'll get back into that story later on. There'd being
one of those room reports. But we're talking about Tiffany
had its Tiffany had it sat down with The Washington
Post and she was talking about her relationship with Common.

She said, it was healthy, it was funny, it was
probably one of the funniest relationships she's been in.

Speaker 2 (36:11):
It was safe, and then all of a sudden, it.

Speaker 9 (36:14):
Just didn't work.

Speaker 2 (36:15):
And it's not because of her.

Speaker 1 (36:16):
She said, the feeling wasn't mutual that they were together,
and then all of a sudden commentated her with a
text and said.

Speaker 2 (36:21):
It's the relationship ran its course.

Speaker 1 (36:23):
So we're asking eight hundred five eight five, one oh
five to one. Has that ever happened to you? You
thought your relationship was good, you thought everything was good money,
and then all of a sudden it wasn't.

Speaker 2 (36:33):
Now, Lauren, has that happened to you before?

Speaker 6 (36:34):

Speaker 2 (36:38):
No, not at all.

Speaker 4 (36:40):
No, I'm not going out like that.

Speaker 2 (36:42):
What do you mean You're going out like that like that?

Speaker 3 (36:45):
Because that's so hurtful, Like for you, you really didn't
don't care much about that person. If you just wake
up one day and you're like, this isn't working for me,
I'll call you back.

Speaker 1 (36:54):
And I'm not saying Tiffany is this person, but what
if you know that the person in the dating it's
kind of crazy, like the one that will put hands
and feet on you.

Speaker 5 (37:01):
Looking at your eyes right now because you see that,
you know you would have got a text men, maybe
a DM.

Speaker 3 (37:10):
I have learned in my adult life that women cannot
put their hands on minutes and that's a violence.

Speaker 4 (37:15):
I would not do that, but don't know.

Speaker 3 (37:19):
I just feel like there there should be a level
of respect decency. Yes, a phone call is not, especially
when you're very like there at that age, but also
too at that height of celebrity. It's like it's embarrassing.
She was so happy, so excited about the relationship and
to know and also too, I don't know, like the me,
I just felt like I expected this a little bit

more smoothness from Common, Like it really makes me look
at him in a way that I don't want to
look at him now.

Speaker 5 (37:46):
I don't know nothing about Common in tiffany situation, right,
But what if I spoke to you prior, face to
face and we decided that this wasn't going to work,
and I told you this face to face, but you couldn't.

Speaker 4 (37:58):
Let them see that's different. You know that's different, that
that's really different.

Speaker 3 (38:02):
That's kind of like with the whole scandal thing you
guys watch No, no, okay, right, that's a lot different
because there's a fore warning. It's kind of put out
there that regardless of how anybody feels, it's not working
for at least one person, and the person's I willing
to work through it. But it doesn't seem like that's
what was given to her, Like it's kind of like
she didn't even have the are we going to fight
for this? Is this a thing like type of conversation,

Like it was just like, no, this doesn't work for me.
I'm good, she says. She responded, Okay, cool, So you're
just gonna be this single man at fifty like.

Speaker 2 (38:33):
But like I'm thinking about I'm not gonna be. But
that's what that's.

Speaker 4 (38:39):
I hate that comment as a love bomber like that,
and it's a love bomb.

Speaker 3 (38:43):
It's a person that like comes into your life, they
fill you up in all the ways that you need,
do everything right, and the love is there, the passion
is there, and then it's just like I'm going and
can you imagine, like you know what I mean, Like
you're it's common and he didn't think about the you
got the voice on top of it.

Speaker 2 (39:00):
Yeah, I want to hug.

Speaker 5 (39:02):
I would have definitely been a love Obama because I'm
a cancer. I'm a sensitive cancer.

Speaker 2 (39:06):
You know what I'm saying.

Speaker 3 (39:07):
So, y'all are the ones there's so much emotions tied
up into it so fast that the other person feels like, Okay,
this is going somewhere because I got them. I got
that emotion when some people just are emotional people. And
when you come, you drop it in and you did
you love bomba?

Speaker 9 (39:22):

Speaker 2 (39:23):
Right, Chris?

Speaker 19 (39:25):

Speaker 1 (39:26):
And I talked to us, Chrissy, he was with somebody
for two years?

Speaker 2 (39:29):
What happened?

Speaker 6 (39:30):
Yes? I was for two years.

Speaker 2 (39:36):
You never said nothing, not even a phone call or text.

Speaker 6 (39:38):
Nothing nothing.

Speaker 2 (39:41):
Is he in jail?

Speaker 6 (39:42):
Was it he or she?

Speaker 2 (39:43):
It was a shoot? Oh she left you?

Speaker 4 (39:45):
D Is she in jail? Is she alive?

Speaker 6 (39:48):
Like? Yes, she's alive.

Speaker 15 (39:49):
I started a couple of days with the money.

Speaker 2 (39:53):
We don't talk about how toxic lesbians are to each other.
We really don't. Y'all.

Speaker 5 (39:57):
Are some cruel people to each other. I've seen it happen.
I thought, yeah, but I'm talking about the person you
was dating.

Speaker 1 (40:04):
Because she loves you, She she carreshed you, she held you,
She ate the box, right, And then just left you
one day.

Speaker 3 (40:12):
But I feel like you said two years, right, yeah,
two years. I feel like the first two years of
a relationship. And I'm sorry I have to say this
to you, like, it's not you. You haven't even fully
cut off everybody that you were dealing with before the relationship.

Speaker 2 (40:23):
Damn, she did well, she might not have what she
doing now.

Speaker 3 (40:28):
She with somebody belief you haven't, like, looked at the Instagram,
Facebook Nothing.

Speaker 13 (40:33):
I don't have Instagram.

Speaker 5 (40:35):
Let's being a relationships is so complicated because whenever you
play paper Rocks, it's always.

Speaker 3 (40:39):
His and you were making jokes? Is wrong with Obviously?
She could barely get the words out.

Speaker 1 (40:47):
Karen, Karen, Karen and Karen Karen. Okay, Coren, what happened
with you?

Speaker 2 (40:54):

Speaker 15 (40:56):
And Mark?

Speaker 13 (40:56):
My boyfriend of eight years just broke up with me
like that.

Speaker 11 (41:01):
He was moving to New York.

Speaker 2 (41:05):
Damn did he just text you or a deep cough?
I don't know. Hello? Oh no, I thought you was
crying just now. I didn't know what you was doing.

Speaker 12 (41:15):
I started to laugh.

Speaker 3 (41:17):
So were there issues leading up to the conversation about
moving to New York?

Speaker 20 (41:21):
No, it was a perfect relationship.

Speaker 9 (41:23):
I thought it was y'all.

Speaker 5 (41:24):
Gotta stop this. Man, y'all you're not y'all not being honest.
I love you, You're not being honest. Something happened. You
just don't wake up one dance?

Speaker 2 (41:33):
It's over?

Speaker 9 (41:34):
Were you?

Speaker 11 (41:35):
I swear I thought the same thing.

Speaker 9 (41:37):
Were you?

Speaker 3 (41:38):
Perfect relationship? Like I don't go looking, so it's not happening.
Like something had to happen. There had to be something.
What did he move to New York for a job
or like a person or a job?

Speaker 1 (41:48):
Not after eight years? Though eight years? Something must have
changed in the relationship.

Speaker 5 (41:52):
Maybe he finally decided I was damn long time. Maybe
he finally decided to do right by wife.

Speaker 2 (42:00):
Yo, shut up, goodbybe sorry?

Speaker 9 (42:02):
What's wrong with you?

Speaker 2 (42:03):

Speaker 6 (42:04):
With you?

Speaker 1 (42:05):
Eight hundred five A five one oh five one? If
you just joined us, yo, you're a fool man. We're
talking about Tiffany Hatters. She sat down with the Washington Post.
She was talking about her relationship with Common and said
it was the healthiest, funniest relationship ever. She felt safe,
everything was good, and then all of a sudden, you know,
coming here with a text and was like, uh, the
relationship runners course, she was hurt by it. Has this

happened to you? Let's talk about it.

Speaker 2 (42:27):
It's the Breakfast Club. Good morning, it's topic time.

Speaker 18 (42:35):
Eight hundred five five one five one to join into
the discussion with the Breakfast Club.

Speaker 1 (42:40):
Warning everybody, it's DJ Envy Charlamagne the Gud.

Speaker 2 (42:44):
We are the Breakfast Club.

Speaker 1 (42:45):
Now if you just joined us with here with our
guest co host Lauren Larossa, formerly of TMZ and the
reason I say formerly, we'll explain it a little bit,
but we're asking. This comes from Tiffany Hattish. She recently
sat down with The Washington Post. She was talking about
her relationship with Common. She said, during that relationship, it
was the healthiest, funniest relationship. She says she felt safe
and Common well just didn't think so the feeling wasn't mutual.

Speaker 2 (43:08):
She said.

Speaker 1 (43:08):
Common hit with a text like which your relationship is
run its course, Jesus Christ. So we're asking eight hundred
and five eight five one o five one, has that
happened to you? Lauren Lerossa said, No, that hasn't happened,
and it won't.

Speaker 4 (43:22):
Nope, it won't.

Speaker 5 (43:23):
Lauren brought up a good point and a good term
that I never heard before, which is called love bombing, right,
And I think that guys who love bomb, you know,
really have to learn how to pull back on that
because you can't approach every situation like that person is
the one or.

Speaker 3 (43:38):
They need to not date until they can emotionally mature.
Very true, because for me, I feel like you love
bomb and you run away from something like that, because
anybody that keeps getting this serious because this.

Speaker 4 (43:48):
Is a common pattern with common Yeah, you saw me,
and you keep stepping away from it. Though. I just
there's something like he's not getting over that hump for
a reason.

Speaker 1 (43:59):
But what what if it's the fact that he maybe
he might think that he's in love or thinks he's
in that situation and then something he sees turns him off.

Speaker 5 (44:07):
But that's something with him though, That's something he gotta
fix and he gotta correct because how many times are
you going to do this with people?

Speaker 10 (44:15):
I just hate this.

Speaker 3 (44:15):
It makes me feel like he's an f boy, like
I damn, I hate to think about him that way.
It's always just been like melodies and great lyrics and.

Speaker 4 (44:24):
Like I'm just there. I promise you. Guys us women
live in like a fantasy state of common real and I.

Speaker 2 (44:32):
Think what Yes, Okay, So listen, that's a good point.
You just brought up, lawn.

Speaker 5 (44:36):
So maybe it's the women's fault because maybe the women
have this I'm just saying, because maybe the women have
this idea of common and maybe it ain't even like that.
I mean, maybe common is dating and kicking it. But
these women are like, no, it's gonna be my husband.

Speaker 2 (44:50):
That's what I'm going to see that.

Speaker 3 (44:53):
But also too, I think when you meet, you know,
a man who is successful, he's attractive, he's going to
speak to you the right way.

Speaker 4 (44:59):
He's going to spek life into you. You know what
I mean?

Speaker 3 (45:01):
She says she felt safe. You are instantly, whether it's
common or not, going to feel like I love it here.
I want to you know what I mean. Like I'm
honestly thinking now, like because you know he's allegedly with
Jennifer Hudson. Now I'm trying to figure out, like where
that's going.

Speaker 2 (45:15):
What if that's just his nature though?

Speaker 5 (45:17):
What if he's just that kind of person that makes
you feel that way, that's gonna send you to Maya
Angelo poems in the morning, because that's him, just because
he is a protective person.

Speaker 2 (45:25):
Like maybe I think I don't.

Speaker 3 (45:26):
I don't know how he goes into these things then,
because I don't know what Tiffany had it. She seems
like she was very called off guard. And I think,
if he is just that person, there's nothing wrong with that.
And I don't even know if I would call him
a love bomber. Then if you go into and you're
honest in your friend, that's just how you court one
of my friends, just Mike DePaul, y'all know, just Mike, Okay.

Speaker 4 (45:45):
So he talks about that a lot.

Speaker 3 (45:46):
The fact that he courts women so well, even if
he doesn't want to be long term with them, it
makes women hate him. And it's because women are not
used to being courted a certain way or treated a
certain way. To the minute they do they like latch on.
So if is that, I can understand that. But Tiffany
had it seen very well, caught off guard, like it
was given. He might have proposed one day and said,

is your uber here yet the.

Speaker 2 (46:07):
Next damn Well, let's go to the phone line. Hello,
who's this.

Speaker 6 (46:13):

Speaker 2 (46:13):
Hey Terrell, what's going on? What's happening?

Speaker 6 (46:15):
Brother? Love a bunch man?

Speaker 2 (46:17):
Tell us your story, Terrell.

Speaker 13 (46:18):
So me and my girl at the time was together
for like five years, and we got engaged on Thomas
the Island or whatever, and when we came back, she
broke it off with me and she was her girlfriend
after car. I didn't even know nothing about it.

Speaker 2 (46:35):
Oh, she cheated on you with a girl, her cotworker.
You see what I'm saying. We just was talking about
how topic these lesbians are. You see she said one
done stole your but one stole your real you.

Speaker 4 (46:48):
You don't want to turn it again.

Speaker 2 (46:49):
I'm just saying, man, But does it hurt bore that
she that she cheated on you with a woman or No?

Speaker 5 (46:55):
I really don't know whatever I mean, Getting your girls
and your girls stolen ain't nothing you can do about it.

Speaker 13 (47:02):
But I did get my get back over her.

Speaker 2 (47:04):
Well, how did you get back back the girl.

Speaker 6 (47:06):
That used to beat her up in school? I end
up people with her?

Speaker 9 (47:10):
Was it good?

Speaker 2 (47:11):
What the girl I used to beat her up? What
was that low vibrational response to this game?

Speaker 1 (47:17):
But what I thought you was gonna go for like
the sister, Yeah, something else, like the girl that used
to beat her up, beat her up?

Speaker 21 (47:23):
Winning elementary school, middle school, high school, high school, So
Creek Goose Street. So where are you from street? So
let me ask you a question. So you must know
that that triggered her. She must used to talk about
getting beat up by that girl a lot. Yeah, and
how old are y'all?

Speaker 6 (47:41):

Speaker 5 (47:42):
So this is about twelve, y'all? Y'all about twelve thirteen
years years? You just did it because you knew that
was going to traumatize her. She must have got beat
up in front of the whole school. She must have
been talking about it for years multiple times. Yeah, so
you had sex with her bully?

Speaker 4 (47:57):
Yep, multiple times?

Speaker 2 (47:59):
Want to drop for this young man. How does the
bully look though, because if the bully was.

Speaker 3 (48:04):
Beating the girlfriend, don't care if she can fight now,
like if you could fight down, she could.

Speaker 2 (48:10):
You're having sex with a girl's bully is crazy, But
the bully looked like I'm just carrious what the bully
looked like.

Speaker 15 (48:17):
On a five?

Speaker 13 (48:18):
One five?

Speaker 11 (48:20):

Speaker 1 (48:20):
Okay, there's no way now, I don't think so that
bully and has somebody beating in to getting like that?

Speaker 2 (48:26):
And Goose Creek man, Alright, what's the more of the story.
I don't know. What's the more of the.

Speaker 4 (48:30):
Story, Lord, don't tell your man about your bully.

Speaker 9 (48:33):
The story.

Speaker 2 (48:34):
I'm not telling you nothing, all right.

Speaker 1 (48:36):
Now, when we come back, we got your room or report. Lauren,
you doing these rumors? Yes, what are we talking about?
Give us a little tease.

Speaker 3 (48:41):
We are talking about Coiler Ray and we were going
to talk about Elliott Wilson.

Speaker 2 (48:46):
Yes, all right, we'll get into all that when we
come back. Keep a lock. This the Breakfast Club.

Speaker 1 (48:49):
Good morning, everybody's tej Envy Charlamagne the guy.

Speaker 2 (48:52):
We are the Breakfast Club.

Speaker 1 (48:53):
We got our special guest host with us a Lauren
al Rosa, formerly of TMZ. Yes, now, if people, that's
just joining us now. I know you explained a little earlier.

Speaker 2 (49:04):
But I should talk. We probably just say that for
the next rumor report. Well, I was gonna do it.
Now'm gonna we got a little time, rumor report.

Speaker 5 (49:09):
Give her a little more room to breathe. Okay, she
was telling me some things that I wanted to discuss too. Really, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah,
just about the whole situation.

Speaker 1 (49:17):
Okay, I will talk about it when we come back.
But the reason I say formerly of TMZ because Friday was.

Speaker 2 (49:21):
Your last day.

Speaker 4 (49:22):
Yeah, Friday was technically my last day, but it was Tuesday,
that was my last day.

Speaker 6 (49:27):

Speaker 2 (49:28):
We'll talk about it. It's all next room report Jesus Christ.
All right, well, we'll get to that next.

Speaker 5 (49:33):
I do want to tell people to Charleston, South Carolina
eight four three, my birthplace, my home.

Speaker 2 (49:38):
I'll be there this Thursday because they have the low.

Speaker 5 (49:41):
Country Mental Health Conference from July twenty sixth to the
twenty eighth, So I'll be doing the welcoming words on Thursday,
July twenty seventh, So go to low Country Mhconference dot
com to register. That's low Country Mhconference dot com to
register for the low Country Mental Health car.

Speaker 1 (50:01):
I also wanted to talk to you to and I'll
talk to you about it as well. People have been
calling me like crazy about doing uh, the car show
in the Carolinas. They've been saying that, you know, the
Carolinas filled with with you know, families and so many
cars and so many things, and they would.

Speaker 2 (50:13):
Love to pull up and do something special out there.

Speaker 1 (50:15):
I'm just not familiar with the areas out there, So
you got to put me on where we where I
could do this car show, and I'm with it.

Speaker 5 (50:21):
But they do a lot of car shows there a lot,
you know, but there's plenty of fair grounds in different places.

Speaker 2 (50:26):
You could do it. You can get the latching fair grounds.

Speaker 1 (50:28):
You gotta be indoors because we're to bring the rids,
and you know, I bring artist cars, you know, because
I bring probably like the Baby's cars. I'll bring so
many celebrities cars that you want to endorse. You just
don't want the rain to affect them.

Speaker 2 (50:39):
And no problems and.

Speaker 4 (50:39):
Things like they got a ventilation for hookah too.

Speaker 2 (50:41):
They know who got the car shows. Know who got
the car shows? Know who got the car show. Saucy
Santana to bring his fleet in cars that was the
last one.

Speaker 4 (50:48):
I think it's so funny that you really don't who
could win.

Speaker 5 (50:51):
Saucy you scared Envy this weekend. He didn't want to
put the hookah do it to his lips because he
knew he was in the building.

Speaker 2 (50:56):
That's crazy.

Speaker 1 (50:57):
Well, they gave me my hookah when Saucy Santana was performed, man,
and I didn't want it to start smoking because I
was on stage, and I'm like, if Saucy turns around
and sees me smoking and he gonna have something to say,
So I said, let me just wait till he gets
off stage.

Speaker 2 (51:08):
That's what it was.

Speaker 1 (51:08):
But anyway, when we come back, we got your rumor
of report. It's the Breakfast Club on morning. Well, let's
get to the room. Miss Let's to Lauren LaRosa.

Speaker 2 (51:16):
Lauren just doom a report.

Speaker 4 (51:24):
I think a lot of people will recognize the boys
to the names on.

Speaker 2 (51:28):
The Breakfast Club. Lauren came in hot, came the truth. Taylor,
you just made that in thirty minutes.

Speaker 4 (51:35):
I love Taylor.

Speaker 2 (51:36):
That was so fun. Taylor just whipped up a breakfast
in thirteen, y'all. Tell y'all, I was hungry, hang got
else something?

Speaker 9 (51:42):

Speaker 4 (51:43):
Actually I ate breakfast at the Breakfast Club. That's the thing, y'all.
It happened.

Speaker 9 (51:46):
They Yeah.

Speaker 2 (51:47):
But let's get right into your story. So you were
formerly of TMZ.

Speaker 3 (51:51):
Yes, I was senior news producer, which you know that
encompassed me being on air you know TMC lot TMZ
on TV primetime daytime show, but also just producing the
news that is exclusive and breaking from TMZ work with
a very intimate team of you know, people who are
really good at what they do. I was there for
seven a little over seven years, and recently decided, Yeah,

I got got some skinniness. I have learned a few
things and recently decided that, you know, it was just
time for me to leave. I think, you know, I
have a company called Bronco Grinding. It's a broadcast media
production company.

Speaker 1 (52:25):

Speaker 4 (52:25):
We have clients on the marketing side.

Speaker 3 (52:28):
We are in the show development space, but more importantly
for me, my next goal on my list is like,
I want a show. I want people to learn me
and get to know me and you know my opinions.
And you know, I was working on that with TMZ,
but I started feeling like if I do this here,
when I leave, I can't take it.

Speaker 4 (52:42):
They're not gonna let me own it.

Speaker 6 (52:45):
You know.

Speaker 3 (52:46):
It wasn't structured the way that I wanted it to
be and the how I felt like I needed it
to be for me to really just grow as a
brand and as a company. So I had a conversation internally,
and from that conversation, I just decided that if right
now I don't take this leap of faith on myself
and launch Bronk or Ground with Laura le Rosa, the
podcast which will be dropping next week, I'm always be

sitting here and trying to figure out what would have
happened if I did it at this time in my
life where you know, I have the relationships and you know,
people care a little bit.

Speaker 4 (53:14):
So I decided to step away.

Speaker 2 (53:15):
And you said you asked them if you could guest
host the Breakfast Club and they told you no.

Speaker 3 (53:20):
So I will say that everybody there was excited for
me to have the opportunity to do it, especially because
you know there were things that you know, we were preparing.
But ultimately, yes, I was told no. And a big
part of that was I saw him like, ya, what's
your issue with Harvey? Was because of some of the
takes that I was told that you took when it
came to Harvey and Trump and you know, just him

and feeling like from not from my mouth, that he
was a racist. And I think that if I said that,
I don't did that happen. So you've never said any
of that. No, he was a racist, So where is
that coming from? Cause one thing Harvey isn't he don't
just grab the out the air. He's very when he speaks.
He he tries to, you know, make sure he's talking.

And it was it was a conversation where it wasn't
like I was being reprimanded or anything like that. It
was just more so of like, you know, I have
a brand to protect, and I don't think that they
really knew. I didn't know when I walked in here
this morning what it was going to be like. When
I walked in, the music was playing it with such
good vibes, good energy. I feel like I'm at home.
But I didn't know what I was walking into. And
I think I, as a person that you know, owns
one of the biggest, you know, media brands in the world,

he had to think as going to be attacking.

Speaker 1 (54:31):
But the thing is, I don't think we've ever spoke
about TMS. He's been on TMZ. Well, I know I've
been on TMZ numerous times. They've called me, reached out
to me. I see him all the time, and they
supported me, and I thought the same with you at times.

Speaker 5 (54:42):
And smoked between Breakfast Club and TMZ. I didn't know
nothing about that smoke between myself and Harvey.

Speaker 2 (54:47):
I didn't. That's due to me.

Speaker 4 (54:49):
I don't even think it's smoke.

Speaker 3 (54:50):
I just think it's him trying to have a foresight,
Like I don't know where that information came from, but
that information that he had. It was him, as you know,
the leader of brand, having the foresight that he has
to not want to risk. It's risk over reward, right,
and as a brand owner, I understood that. So even
in that conversation, it's still like, you know, to me,

it was all love and I had to understand where
he was coming from. But the crazy thing is, and
I didn't even get a chance to tell him this.
That conversation is what made me decide that I needed
to resign because I listened to him talk and I
in those seven years, I've learned so much from him.
Like people say what they want about TMZ, but that
team works hard. They're really good at what they do,

and Harvey is one of the most dedicated businessmen and
newsman that I've ever met. Right, But when I heard
him talking and I begin to understand that I'm not
just Lauren the Rosa here, I'm the girl at TMZ,
I had to in that moment say to myself, how
much longer do you want to be just the girl
from TMZ, just the black girl from TMZ? And that's nothing.

They don't put that title on me. The world does
because the brand is so big, and I think you know.
One of the reasons I want to talk about this
on eras because I think for anybody that is trying
to figure out, like you know, the corporate structure and
how you leverage that, the best way to do it
is to be able to have a partner in this.
And it got to a point where, you know, the
partnership wasn't working for me anymore. So it's not ill Will.

I'm not going on in like smoking flames or anything
like that. But at the same time, there was a
lot of things that I was not okay with that
I just had to make a decision for myself.

Speaker 5 (56:23):
And I'm sure you've seen other people who used to
be with TMZ. They've gone on to have success, whether
it's Nina Parker, whether it's Van Leifan.

Speaker 3 (56:30):
Yeah, Raquel, like you know, that's the way it should be, though,
you know what I mean, you should graduate from that room.

Speaker 4 (56:34):
I used to always tell people.

Speaker 3 (56:35):
People ask me, how is it working Now, I say,
I wanted to go to school for my masters and
this was the best master's program I could have ever done.

Speaker 4 (56:42):
Everything that I've learned, I.

Speaker 1 (56:43):
Will say this, and I don't know, you can't be
one hundred percent correct all the time. But one thing
I will say about TMZ is they have journalists that
actually do the homework.

Speaker 2 (56:50):
Oh yes we do, you know.

Speaker 1 (56:52):
And you know, dealing with a lot of sites sometimes
where people just make accusations and just put things out there.

Speaker 2 (56:57):
But I noticed that TMZ does the homework.

Speaker 1 (56:59):
So I respect TMZ a lot more than a lot
of these other places because they do the homework, they
do the background checks, they're going to give you a call,
they're going to try to make sure that information is
absolutely positively lack before they just put something on their site.

Speaker 2 (57:10):
It's just amazing that people will be out here having
a whole problem with you and in their mind that
y'all got issues, and you won't even be knowing.

Speaker 7 (57:18):

Speaker 1 (57:18):
You know a lot of times people come up here
and say something automatically, say it's it's anything negative, it's
always your exactly.

Speaker 3 (57:26):
It's the same way that I used to always say
to people like you guys take things from TMZ a
certain way because your idea of TMZ is Harvey, you
know what I mean. So when certain culturally or black
related things happen, or mishaps happen, people it was instantly
they either would come to me, but they take it
personally because they think it's coming directly from Harvey. So
things that are like going to shock the world and

heart they gonna comfort, you know what I mean, Charlotte
or whatever.

Speaker 4 (57:50):
I don't know where that came from, but I would
just like to.

Speaker 3 (57:53):
See the best relationship possible, especially because there are a
lot of talented black individuals in that room. There's a
lot of conversation about like bil like building out black
entertainment in a space for that more in that room,
and I think that it's a big disconnect to not
you know, be able to have conversations and relationships with
you know, some of the biggest Black voices in the world.

Speaker 4 (58:10):
Now, that is my personal opinion.

Speaker 3 (58:12):
I don't know if everyone in that room feels that way,
but people ask me all the time, are there other
black people there? There are, and they're talented, and they're
amazing the black caun shout out to them.

Speaker 5 (58:21):
But you know, maybe you got to break in and freedom, Lauren.
You're seeing they clone Tyrone. Although you like this, get out.

Speaker 3 (58:30):
No body all right minded my business. I have a
choice today and I'm choosing the all right, Well, that
was your room and report.

Speaker 2 (58:38):
Will we come back for you grinding.

Speaker 1 (58:40):
Next out we'll talk about Elliot Wilson. I know we
teased Elliott Wilson and we were going to discuss Elliott
versus Drake. We need to call light skin versu light
skin beef. We need to call rhythm loud right now.
You know he's sleeping.

Speaker 2 (58:53):
See if you answer this flip phone, man.

Speaker 4 (59:00):
You gotta be playing snake, would you do?

Speaker 2 (59:03):
Let's see if O g Elliott answer the flip forward?
Christ All right, well donkey today were giving that donkey too?
Oh four after the hour man.

Speaker 5 (59:10):
We need a judge named Tracy Sardis from it from
Oklahoma to come to the front of the congregation.

Speaker 2 (59:14):
We like to have a word with him. All right,
we'll get to that next and don't move. It's to
Breakfast Club. Good morning, the Breakfast Club. Your mornings will
never be the same.

Speaker 5 (59:23):
Audible pick of the day is Snoop Doggs from the
Streets to the Sweets. Here's snoops Journey from the Streets
to Long Beach, the hip hop legend. Listen when you
sign up for a free trial at audible dot com
slash Snoop.

Speaker 2 (59:32):
I was donkey up to today time.

Speaker 9 (59:36):
Damn he hogged.

Speaker 5 (59:37):
It's started the donkey I mean trying to beat donkey today.

Speaker 3 (59:43):
No more.

Speaker 2 (59:43):
They should be embarrassed by what they already did. I'm
not making these people do these.

Speaker 4 (59:46):
Days called donkey of the day, and it really caught
me off guard. Damn Charlamagne, who got the donkey out.

Speaker 2 (59:53):
Of the day today?

Speaker 5 (59:56):
Yes, donkey today for Monday, July twenty fourth, because it
goes to Judge Tracy Solderscrum. She is a Lincoln County
District judge in Oklahoma. I am convinced I said her
last name wrong, and I am convinced that society is
as unserious as it's ever been my whole life.

Speaker 2 (01:00:12):
I was told art.

Speaker 5 (01:00:13):
Reflect reality, and maybe because I'm older, I'm seeing more
of than nonsense. But it seems to me things that
were once regulated to just TV shows and movies are
actually happening in real life. Remember when in certain films
the TV shows they would show courtroom scenes and the
judge was like, you know, looking at pawn or shopping
for furniture, just anything other than paying attention to the

actual case. Well, America, we have reached that point where
that is actually happening in our courtrooms. Maybe it's always
been happening, I don't know, but nowadays, since Big Brother
is always watching, folks is getting caught.

Speaker 2 (01:00:46):
And that's what happened to Judge Tracy Solderscrum.

Speaker 5 (01:00:48):
She was presiding over the case of a man charged
in the beating death of his girlfriend's son. Well, during
the opening statements and testimony, the judge wasn't paying attention.
The judge wasn't paying attention throughout the whole case. The
judge I wasn't given a good devil damn about what
was going on in that courtroom.

Speaker 2 (01:01:04):
Let's go to the news.

Speaker 20 (01:01:06):
District Judge Tracy Soderstrom is accused of using her cell
phone for entertainment during a trial last month.

Speaker 4 (01:01:13):
That trial was over the murder of a two year
old little boy.

Speaker 20 (01:01:16):
Surveillance video from inside the courtroom leaked to the Oklahoma
A former judge and current attorney, Tracy Schumacher told KOCO
Today using a phone or email during a trial is
normal for judges and lawyers, but this footage shows the
judge using the cell phone for a purpose that didn't
have to do with the trial. She also said for
judges like Soderstrom, her coming from private practice to the bench.

Speaker 4 (01:01:40):
There's a learning curve, and.

Speaker 20 (01:01:41):
While this is quote a bump in the road, she's
hopeful she can overcome it in her judicial career and
continue to serve the citizens of Lincoln County.

Speaker 5 (01:01:51):
Judge Tracy Solderscrum was busy checking Facebook during the trial.

Speaker 2 (01:01:56):
This is true. This happened.

Speaker 5 (01:01:57):
She was texting and scrolling through social media while this
man was on trial for beating his girlfriend's son to death.

Speaker 2 (01:02:04):

Speaker 5 (01:02:04):
Okay, at one point, the judge was seen searching for
a gift. Let me tell you something, man, If the
judge is doing all that during your trial, trust and
believe their mine has already made up. All right, you
going to prison. This is all just formalities, all right.
The judge is just there so they don't get fine. Now,
I would assume that's not how a judge is supposed
to move. I would assume a judge's job is to

not be biased, to not have any preconceived notions about
the case, to actually listen to the evidence presented. But
you can't do any of that while you scrolling Facebook.
And I heard the news reports say that it's, you know,
fine for judges to be on the phone. I don't
want my judge on the phone during my trial. Okay,
what if the judge is searching conversations about the case
and it's basing what you know, they believe off what

the comments are saying. Okay, Look, the trial ended in
a second degree manslaughter conviction, but prosecutors had asked jurors
to find him guilty of first degree murdered.

Speaker 2 (01:02:57):
Let me tell you something, man.

Speaker 5 (01:02:59):
Jurors are banned from using cell phones in the courtroom
during trials because we want them to be present all
their time and attention should be on the evidence being presented.
Shouldn't the damned judge be held to the same standard,
if not higher. A whole case going on and the
judges just sitting there with the phone in her lapping
below the top of the judges bench while using it,

or they said she would put it in an open drawer,
and now look, some people can multitask, right. I don't
know if it's illegal for a judge to be on
their phone during the trial or not, but it's some
things that just don't seem right ethically. Imagine a doctor
tweeting while doing some type of surgery on you. Imagine
getting a colonosca pin and then watching the tape back
and they paying more attention to means than actually probing
within your ass. Why you go there though, because I

want you to understand you've had a colonoscopy. I've had
a colonoscopy. Can you imagine if you watch the tape
back and you saw the judges on Instagram laughing, why
they supposed to be paying attention to what's going on
on you button?

Speaker 4 (01:03:51):
But y'all both have been to the dentist too, while
you ain't go there.

Speaker 2 (01:03:53):
Yeah right, you could have win, Dennis. You could wear
so many places, but the factor is straight to the butt.

Speaker 5 (01:04:00):
Now, there is such a thing called a Code of
Judicial Conduct, with states the judge shall act at all
times in a manner that promotes public confidence and the independence,
integrity and impartial impartiak what's the words laurnen impartiality, Yes,
of the judiciary?

Speaker 2 (01:04:13):

Speaker 5 (01:04:14):
The code does not specifically mentioned the use of mobile
phones though, so technically we don't even know if the
judge did something wrong.

Speaker 2 (01:04:20):
Look, man, it's over, okay.

Speaker 5 (01:04:22):
Machines are man machines versus man the machines of one Okay,
In a few years judges are gonna be AI anyway,
So it doesn't even matter if judges can't help but
be distracted by smartphones, what hope is it for the
rest of us? Please give just Tracy sawderscrim the sweet
sounds of the Hamiltones.

Speaker 9 (01:04:39):
Oh no, you are the dog of the day, the
dog all the day.

Speaker 1 (01:04:52):
Ye all right, thank you for that donkey today, sir, Yes, indeed,
all right. B et see tomorrow, Laurence say piece to BT,
see you later, BT. Everybody else, let's open up the
phone lines eight un drink five eight five one oh
five one. Let's just ask has being on your phone
at work ever got you in trouble?

Speaker 2 (01:05:12):
That is the question? Eight n drink five eight.

Speaker 1 (01:05:14):
Five one oh five to one. Have you ever been
on the phone? I know one time I was I
was bidding for a car while I was DJing, and
I was so into the bid I forgot that the
record was on and the records just stopped and then
it was just dead head people just looking at me crazy.
But I and I ain't even win the bid on
the car. Has that happened to you? Have you ever
been on the phone at work? And it's ever got

you in trouble, Lauren.

Speaker 4 (01:05:37):
Yes, I was on my phone during that.

Speaker 3 (01:05:41):
When I first started with TZ, I did the TMZ tours,
I was on my phone on the tour bus and
I'm in the group chat with my cousins, and my
cousin then let me know that my boyfriend at the
time or we were like in a situation ship, I
don't know, but we've been together for some time, had
a baby on the way by her best friend. So
I literally broke down in tears. Can I finished the tour.
People were looking at me like I was crazy. We

were mid towor they had to reroute the bus, and
I was.

Speaker 4 (01:06:04):
Like, I will never in my life ever engage in
conversation while I'm at work on the phone anything like
that with family members.

Speaker 2 (01:06:12):
With the bus though, that's a great TMZ story.

Speaker 3 (01:06:15):
I could bare do you understand how my heart was
in my Like it was at the bottom of my feet,
Like I could barely speak, Like they thought that like
something happened. I think they thought like somebody died, Like
that's how bad I was, like slide down the wall,
ugly cry.

Speaker 2 (01:06:30):
What did you call your boyfriend? What did I when
did you call them? The confirm Oh, no, I knew it.

Speaker 4 (01:06:35):
Was It was my cousin. I knew it was true.

Speaker 2 (01:06:37):
Like you know what I mean, how y'all break up
and the boyfriend?

Speaker 4 (01:06:40):
It was bad. We ended up getting back together. But
you're not together no more.

Speaker 2 (01:06:43):
Oh you got back together.

Speaker 4 (01:06:45):
I was for a bit, I was, you know, but
it was rough. It was a rough transition into yeah.

Speaker 2 (01:06:53):
Jesus, all right, wrong with you. I was gonna say,
what a king, but I was just doing that.

Speaker 3 (01:07:08):
You really you really want me to get crazy? I
don't know why you want to get crazy here today?
Way king, Wow, you have daughters, I'm playing Lauren.

Speaker 2 (01:07:22):
Do you want this for your fourth daughters? But she
got back with him, so clearly he has some redeeming
quality eight hundred.

Speaker 3 (01:07:33):
At least you being I did like in there, Ladies,
sweet me, if you got back with the big might
be a better.

Speaker 5 (01:07:42):
Conversation than the fore world. Let's let's say this up, lord,
this might be a better conversation. I'm being honest with
you because you're not the only woman who's been in
this situation.

Speaker 9 (01:07:51):
No, I'm not.

Speaker 2 (01:07:51):
You know what I'm saying. You've been with a man,
and you.

Speaker 5 (01:07:53):
Love you like this man and this man cheats on you,
ends up having a baby with somebody else, get somebody
else pregnant, but you decide to stay.

Speaker 2 (01:07:59):
With Have you ever went back to the d even
though you had a you was a step mom. That's
that's what you're asking. Did you ever get to be
step mama?

Speaker 9 (01:08:05):
She said, yeah.

Speaker 3 (01:08:06):
I mean, but he also he already had a child,
me and him had We We've been together for ten
years at this point. I mean at that point it
was like probably seven eight. We went to high school together,
so he already had a child when I met him,
So the stepmom thing wasn't an issue or a game
changer for me.

Speaker 4 (01:08:21):
We were in a weird situation. I moved to LA
and so you know, it was a little rocky.

Speaker 2 (01:08:25):
It was like you needed a place still, shut up, man.

Speaker 3 (01:08:29):
I moved to LA by myself. He was still in Delaware.
Oh got you know, it got a little rocky, Like
you know, I'm dating people. We both lying to each other,
so I couldn't really be as mad. And I think
that's the only reason why I decided to go back,
Because if we were like committed, even though he was
still lying, if we were super committed and I my
hands weren't dirty.

Speaker 4 (01:08:47):
Two I would have been like, oh no, I'm good.

Speaker 2 (01:08:49):
So let's pivot. I want to hear some stories.

Speaker 1 (01:08:53):
Are you in a similar situation, maybe your man cheated on,
you had a baby, went back because the d was
so good.

Speaker 2 (01:09:00):
We want to hear from you. Let me clear the.

Speaker 1 (01:09:01):
Lines, Let me clean the lines, clear lines, the lines,
the lines.

Speaker 2 (01:09:04):

Speaker 1 (01:09:04):
Oh okay, we'll take your calls when we come back.
Eight hundred and five A five one, Oh kings man,
you stupid. It's the Breakfast Uncle, Morning, the Breakfast Club.

Speaker 18 (01:09:19):
It's topic time called eight hundred and five A five
one five one to join into the discussion with the
Breakfast Club.

Speaker 2 (01:09:27):
Morning, everybody.

Speaker 1 (01:09:28):
It's DJ NV Charlamagne the God. We are the Breakfast Club.
Now if you're just joining us. We got our guest
co host, Laura l Rossa. Yes, we're a TMZ.

Speaker 5 (01:09:36):
Of course we had to call an audible because Lauren
told us a story about this king that she used
to date.

Speaker 2 (01:09:41):
Man that was so interesting.

Speaker 4 (01:09:42):
He is a king, he is, but you can't call
him a king because of what position he had me
in at that time.

Speaker 1 (01:09:48):
Now, the conversation started about the cell phone. We were saying,
did you ever get in trouble, you know, at work
while being on your cell phone? And then she started
explaining the story of a call she got from a
cousin about her king at the time.

Speaker 4 (01:09:59):
What I got to rehash the story? This is so
tru No, I'm good. So she had she had called
me not I'm so traumatized. Turn her mic up. What
happened to you in the Carolina is like are you okay?

Speaker 3 (01:10:17):
Yes, so yes, I got I was in the middle
of a TMC tour and shout out to my tour
managers too.

Speaker 4 (01:10:23):
They held me down. But I was the middle of
the tour.

Speaker 3 (01:10:26):
My cousin called me and we were having a conversation
in a group chat, which I thought was a little
bit odd, like the question.

Speaker 4 (01:10:31):
She was asking me.

Speaker 3 (01:10:32):
And then she called me and you know, this is
like network Lord, We're like mid break. So because of
the question she was asking, I'm assuming it's a family emergency,
I pick up.

Speaker 4 (01:10:43):
I'm like, hey, I'm in the middle of a tour.
She's like, okay, cool, but call me when you are done.

Speaker 3 (01:10:48):
Has pregnant. But yeah, so she's like, you know, your
boyfriend has my best friend pregnant? And my heart dropped,
Like I've never felt a hurt like that at all
ever in my life, Like I thought my world was ending.
It was like and mind you, there are people on
the tour bus and they're literally watching you. You're like
the like you know, like the fight attendant seat is

an airplane. You're literally like the lead of the tour.
So we're about to like you know, pull off, like
get back going, and I can barely talk, I can
barely think.

Speaker 4 (01:11:20):
I'm like shaking, I'm crying.

Speaker 3 (01:11:22):
I think the people on the tour and the bus
driver thought that like someone had passed away, and I
just got like that type of news. But I thought
that that was what was going to come through the
other line, which is why I answered the phone, because
she had caught a couple of times. And even right now,
I'm like getting I remember being like my.

Speaker 4 (01:11:36):
Life is over.

Speaker 2 (01:11:37):
But you spun the block. You went back to him.

Speaker 4 (01:11:39):
I did go back to him.

Speaker 2 (01:11:40):
What did he say to you? Tell us that those lines?

Speaker 3 (01:11:43):
Everything he said was dumb, There was no for us.
Everything he said was dumb. He was lying through his teeth.
No he didn't say it wasn't his, which also like
kind of made me mad because I'm like, you could
have prevented this.

Speaker 4 (01:11:56):
It's like you where was the protection, where was the
pull out game? Like what was going on?

Speaker 5 (01:12:02):
Damn Well, I'm just saying you know that that's probably
not his thing because of how y'all get down and how.

Speaker 9 (01:12:10):
Long did you say?

Speaker 3 (01:12:12):
So at that point we had been together for probably
like I would say, like six seven years and then yeah,
we were high school sweethearts, into high school, going into college,
and then it was bad for some time, Like I
wasn't eating. I was I remember my first red carpet
for the BET Awards was like the weekend after I
found out, and I told my friends like, I'm not going.

I don't want to go, I'm not sleeping, I'm not eating.
I barely had a voice. My best friend flew into
LA and was like, no, you're going, Like we're gonna
get you together since you're going. So I did the
carpet or whatever. But we eventually, once we got back
together and smoothed it out, we stayed together for a
few more years, so totally like ten eleven years, and
then a.

Speaker 2 (01:12:50):
Few years after that, Yeah, so Judge.

Speaker 4 (01:12:54):
I did, and we we're no longer together.

Speaker 2 (01:12:56):
Now, So what was the final scrowll? What made y'all
break up? Break up?

Speaker 4 (01:12:59):
The final straw was I just felt like we just
weren't alte, Like we weren't aligned.

Speaker 1 (01:13:05):
So it was no longer the D. You didn't care
about D anymore at that time. No, it was playing
step mama. You probably had to change pampas and bottles, those.

Speaker 3 (01:13:12):
The kids I loved, Like, that was not the issue,
Mama's I have to be cordial, yeah, but you don't
have to be cool, Like we're not friends, we don't
have to hang out, but you do have to be cordial.

Speaker 4 (01:13:24):
There has to be a cordial level of respect.

Speaker 3 (01:13:25):
But I've been through all that with him already because
he had a kid when I met him, you know
what I mean, So like that wasn't new to me.
I think the issue was, like my mom had got
sick about a year ago, and when we got through that,
I just woke up one day and was like, like
things can get very real.

Speaker 2 (01:13:40):
Are you ready for that is fresh? Y'all just broke up.
Broke up?

Speaker 4 (01:13:43):
This is within like this year y'all got me here?

Speaker 9 (01:13:50):
Oh my god.

Speaker 4 (01:13:51):
We didn went from my work heartbreak to the boyfriend heartbreak.

Speaker 2 (01:13:55):
How do you know you over it?

Speaker 9 (01:13:57):
Over it?

Speaker 2 (01:13:57):

Speaker 3 (01:13:58):
I know that I'm over it because because I was
able to like this, this breakup is like different than
all the others. And I wanted to keep the door open.
But I think the way that it ended it kind
of just like for me. I just was like, you know,
this is not has I'm over here?

Speaker 9 (01:14:14):
Come over?

Speaker 2 (01:14:14):
Has he been calling?

Speaker 4 (01:14:15):
No, he don't call me. I don't even know where
he is in life. But I wish him all the best.
I love him. I wish him all the best.

Speaker 2 (01:14:19):
We Lauren, we love you.

Speaker 4 (01:14:20):
Thank you. I feel it.

Speaker 6 (01:14:21):
No, not like her.

Speaker 9 (01:14:25):
The worst.

Speaker 2 (01:14:27):
Hello, who's this?

Speaker 13 (01:14:28):

Speaker 19 (01:14:28):
This is Lope?

Speaker 2 (01:14:29):
Hey, Loope, talk to us? What happened with you? Loupe?

Speaker 14 (01:14:32):
Well, like I said, like, we work together for a
couple of years, you know, but we wasn't in a
rust to have his book. That was our plan later on.

Speaker 11 (01:14:40):
And yeah, his.

Speaker 14 (01:14:41):
Cheating was always constantly. So there's one time he went
out to la and I literally told him I'm like,
look rapit, bro like rabbit, because don't come back to
me saying you got some female pregnant, like come on,
And he didn't tell me how I found out what
through my friends literally just like you know, just like

her the worst part my friends. Yeah, it's the worst part.
Like it broke me, like it literally broke me, like
that was our future, you know, like.

Speaker 19 (01:15:11):
You really wow, I don't know, but he does call
me now.

Speaker 14 (01:15:15):
Like he's he's actually locked up.

Speaker 2 (01:15:17):
But let me talk to this. How old are you?

Speaker 5 (01:15:24):
Okay, so let me ask you young and something. Right,
So back in the day, all women say, don't cheat.
So now do y'all make the concession and say, I
know y'all probably gonna cheat. Just wrap it up well
for I.

Speaker 4 (01:15:34):
Mean in her situation, because there was distance at play, right.

Speaker 14 (01:15:38):
Yeah, we were you know, it was actually we were
done for a while.

Speaker 19 (01:15:42):
So I was like I was doing my he was
doing his.

Speaker 14 (01:15:45):
Okay, Yeah, the boat knew it, like he straight up
to it.

Speaker 4 (01:15:52):
It's only cheating.

Speaker 3 (01:15:54):
Was he still telling you that, like he wasn't doing
anything and that he wasn't dealing with anybody, like even
though you guys have had that.

Speaker 4 (01:16:00):
That's where it messes up. And that's what most men do.

Speaker 3 (01:16:02):
And I think it's because they don't want you to
go do the same thing. But I like, I know,
for me, I was trying to be honest, like, Yo,
there's the other people, and I just want to know
what's happening, and if we're going to get back together, please.

Speaker 4 (01:16:11):
Don't have a kid.

Speaker 6 (01:16:12):
And then that was his thing.

Speaker 14 (01:16:13):
He was like, it's gonna work out between just you know,
wait for me, like I'm working on it. But then
you totally pop up with this and not tell me
at all, Like all.

Speaker 2 (01:16:22):
Right, damn, sorry for your mama. Damn. We're triggering a
lot of people today. Man, I'm not triggering nobody.

Speaker 4 (01:16:28):
It's him.

Speaker 9 (01:16:29):
Listen to you.

Speaker 2 (01:16:30):
I am just listening.

Speaker 4 (01:16:33):
It's starting to feel like that all this that you
just did, it might have been like a spell or something.
I don't know.

Speaker 2 (01:16:39):
I don't know. Eight hundred five eighty five, one on five.

Speaker 1 (01:16:42):
When we're asking ladies have are you in a similar
situation like Lauren? Maybe you were dating a man and
you got you, you know, got a girl pregnant, but
you came back because the d was so good?

Speaker 2 (01:16:52):
Man, had you dematized? That's what we're asked. We just
want to hear your stories this morning.

Speaker 4 (01:16:55):
Ties, I should put that in my bio.

Speaker 2 (01:16:57):
Is it just the de though? Wasn't he a n
it was.

Speaker 3 (01:17:00):
It was more than that too, Like you know, you're
building somebody. It's long term. You just want to just
not put the fire out yet.

Speaker 2 (01:17:05):
But he's gonna be a great husband for somebody.

Speaker 3 (01:17:07):
Oh my god, he's going to be an amazing husband
for somebody. His kids are amazing, his family is amazing.
It's all love. But at that time, oh, I want
it all to smoke.

Speaker 2 (01:17:14):
I don't think it's all love. Lord, I hear congratulation.
Go stop it.

Speaker 6 (01:17:19):

Speaker 3 (01:17:19):
When he gets married, you know about when he gets married. Nah,
I definitely don't want to see like the photos and stuff,
but I don't.

Speaker 2 (01:17:27):
Block me fuse.

Speaker 4 (01:17:30):
Then people got to speak their peace. I'm not the one.

Speaker 2 (01:17:32):
Let's discuss it's the breakfast club in the morning, the
breakfast club or one five one. It's topic time.

Speaker 18 (01:17:47):
Called eight hundred and five eight five one five one
to join it to the discussion with the breakfast club.

Speaker 2 (01:17:51):
Talk about it morning. Everybody in dj n.

Speaker 1 (01:17:57):
V charlamage the guy. We are the breakfast club. This
room came so depressing in the last ten minutes.

Speaker 2 (01:18:02):
Now not depressing. These women are sharing their stories and
we're here for them.

Speaker 9 (01:18:06):
Is we're not here?

Speaker 1 (01:18:09):
Laura le Rossa is head of course, former Live TMC.
She's been telling her story about her ex that you know,
cheating on her, had a baby outside the relationship.

Speaker 2 (01:18:17):
She got back with.

Speaker 1 (01:18:18):
Them because of the d and other things, and then
they recently broke up and it's been pretty sad of him.

Speaker 2 (01:18:23):
I'm sorry, Lauren, I'm not sad.

Speaker 4 (01:18:25):
Oh my god, I'm enjoying life right now.

Speaker 2 (01:18:28):
La She's just telling her story now, her friend in
his her homegirl that came in her whome girl, like,
I got a story to tell you.

Speaker 3 (01:18:38):
Come please please leave her out of it. I want
to be able to hang out with my friend when
she gets back with If.

Speaker 1 (01:18:45):
You sit on that side right there, they don't see
you on that side of the camera sees you right now,
she moved to the other side.

Speaker 2 (01:18:52):
Monique, come on to Monique. Good morning Monique. Now you
had a similar situation.

Speaker 19 (01:18:58):
Yes, I had a boyfriend when I was twenty and
we messed around until I was twenty two, and then
he went to prison for ten years, and as soon
as he got out about five months later, we were
back at it again because it was just so good,
even though I knew I was more mature than he was.

He was, you know, he was behind me, you know
ten years and uh ten years has passed again and
I just seen his picture on Facebook yesterday and they
had me.

Speaker 5 (01:19:31):
Thinking, again, oh boy, you're about to spend it black
twice that would have me concerned. I'm be trying to
figure out why your d game got so good and
you've been away for ten years, that's.

Speaker 2 (01:19:39):
What you think about it.

Speaker 19 (01:19:44):
I mean, it was good back then.

Speaker 4 (01:19:46):
It's the absence of the you know, mixed the heart
grow fonders thing.

Speaker 2 (01:19:50):
Why he got all these people on social media?

Speaker 4 (01:19:52):
I don't, I don't.

Speaker 2 (01:19:54):
I would think that would be tempting.

Speaker 4 (01:19:55):
No, and not even tempting.

Speaker 3 (01:19:57):
I think it is just I mean, we're in a
better space. I think you could do that and like
if you guys decide to be friends and actually move on.
But I think in the beginning of it, especially if
you think you're gonna go back and you don't want
to go back to the situation, you should not follow
on social media, family members and nothing. And it's no
shade that nobody is just you gotta let it all.

Speaker 1 (01:20:14):
Yeah now, Lauren, Yeah, good on, And Lauren, this is
another Laura, Lauren, what happened with you, Lauren.

Speaker 11 (01:20:22):
Well, I had a toxic relationship just because the fact
was good. So we started daated for and the last
year we merely argue, then has that, then argue again,
then has that for ten years.

Speaker 6 (01:20:40):
It was bad.

Speaker 5 (01:20:42):
I don't like y'all reducing men to their penises. There
had to be more than just a good sex.

Speaker 9 (01:20:45):

Speaker 15 (01:20:46):
Oh, we loved each other, but we also hating each other.

Speaker 13 (01:20:51):
That's why it last.

Speaker 3 (01:20:53):
You know what's so bad though, Like when you guys
really don't get along and it's toxic like that, it
makes it even better than us so bad.

Speaker 2 (01:21:00):
Yeah, so you used to used to argue and fuss
just so y'all can have makeup sex.

Speaker 15 (01:21:06):
Yes, I'm so shame say that, but it was just
that good.

Speaker 11 (01:21:12):
Okay, I don't know with it that just turned up
for but yeah, in the last for ten years, so
we both realized, like we're too old for this.

Speaker 4 (01:21:20):
What did you argue about everything?

Speaker 6 (01:21:23):
The wind changing his course like every damn ba.

Speaker 5 (01:21:28):
I wonder if there's a way to like, uh, get
tap into that energy just to have the passionate sex
you're looking forward without making up argument.

Speaker 9 (01:21:38):
Probably it was.

Speaker 11 (01:21:39):
Probably role playing because being not boring like you just
having sex, having a non argument conversations. We just boring,
so we had to spice it up in that way.
That's why I last ten years.

Speaker 2 (01:21:53):
Okay, well, thank you mama. Let's go to one caller. Hello,
who's this?

Speaker 6 (01:21:57):

Speaker 2 (01:22:00):
Now what happened with you?

Speaker 5 (01:22:01):

Speaker 12 (01:22:02):
So this a long story show. I used to work
at this fall center before I paying for it over
to doing what I do next. I work at a salon.
Now got out to Dollhouse fifty ten East Broadways at
the Florida y'all come see up. But before I started
doing that, I was working at a call center where
they were really sticking phones because we were dealing with
like number stuff, which I was understanding. But I had

a call from this foode at the time, who long
story short, he was my baby daddy's no kids. So
he's calling me to basically let me know that the
girl that he cheated on me was before knew where
I worked. He was on the way to my job,
and that's my car because you found out that I

was still messing with him. So that was the day
I ended up getting fired because I was sitting outside
waiting for her to come touch my car and it
never happened.

Speaker 2 (01:22:55):
Yah, well, okay, you understand a story. No nothing.

Speaker 9 (01:23:00):
She says.

Speaker 1 (01:23:00):
She was at work and she baby her baby. Daddy
called and said he got another girl pregnant. The girl
found out who she was and was gonna come to
her job to beat up. She went outside on the
phone to wait for it, and she got fired. So
that's the reason why she was on the phone.

Speaker 4 (01:23:12):
The pregnant girl was I'm glad she didn't come.

Speaker 2 (01:23:15):
Yeah, right, but that's what she was saying. What's the
more of the story.

Speaker 4 (01:23:18):
If there is more, don't know, Lauren, you tell us
that last story or just in general?

Speaker 2 (01:23:23):
The general.

Speaker 3 (01:23:25):
It's the D like, honestly, like I think that we
need to be able to think clearly, Ladies dodge the
D like. That's honestly what it is like. Sometimes we're
gonna find ourselves in situations we should.

Speaker 5 (01:23:38):
But the thing about the D is you don't know
what's good until you do it. So how do you
you can't dodge good d It's not like we're walking
around with signs that say my idea is mediocre, mine
is amazing.

Speaker 3 (01:23:50):
Ever, save a lot of wasted time, energy and condoms
like honestly, But but was.

Speaker 2 (01:23:57):
You liked Lauren mild? You don't want to hotsaw? You
like a mild saw. He wants d you hurt? The
question I don't think about how would you like your
d sir?

Speaker 4 (01:24:05):
I don't pay him, not thinking yeah, look, I don't know.

Speaker 3 (01:24:08):
I feel like the moral and all of this is
that things happen and if you choose, I think for
me and even being able to talk about this, because
for a long time I couldn't talk about this because
it was just like I would I would break, I
would cry literally.

Speaker 4 (01:24:19):
Is that life will go on.

Speaker 3 (01:24:21):
You know, you'll be okay, but also too, if you
choose to do something in your relationships, it's your choice.

Speaker 4 (01:24:27):
You have to live with it. There was so much
going on at that time.

Speaker 3 (01:24:30):
I did a lot of things that I you know,
and said a lot of things I wasn't proud of,
be out of hurt and out of anger, and even
learning from that, there are things that I will never
do again.

Speaker 4 (01:24:38):
Like there's no I have no hate towards anybody in
the situation.

Speaker 3 (01:24:42):
A beautiful baby boy came out of that situation, and
I think that, like, you know, looking back on it,
I wish I had that mindset because again I didn't
set a lot of things that you know, might have
been traumatizing for other people and other people involved in
the situation. So just you know, if you can't, ladies,
dodge the d and if you can't, you gotta you know,
stand toes down ten toes down in your decisions. But
just try not to, like, you know, take out what

you're going through on other people, because it's in a
situation where you choose to say other people that are involved,
they're not making that tree.

Speaker 2 (01:25:09):
You are sure? All right?

Speaker 1 (01:25:11):
Now, when we come back, we got your room report.
We got to talk about Elliott Wilson versus Drake.

Speaker 2 (01:25:15):
We'll get to it next. It don't move. It's to
breakfast from none of us need, by the way, but.

Speaker 1 (01:25:18):
Let's get to it right now. Wait, well, hold on,
we're gonna play the intro. Yeah, okay, we're gonna put
your intro.

Speaker 4 (01:25:32):
I think a lot of people will recognize the voice
from the name.

Speaker 2 (01:25:35):
It's about clubs Lauren came.

Speaker 3 (01:25:42):
So before we get into the Elliot Wilson conversation, we
do want to take some time and just say some
love to Jasmine Sullivan. She let us know that she
lost her mom recently on the twenty second over the weekend.
Her mom had been battling breast cancer, which they openly
talked about. I'm not sure if that, you know, was
the reason, but she did posts and she said, you know,
she doesn't have the words yet, so for now sheould

just say thank you. Resting on Butterfly, so, you know,
sending her some love.

Speaker 2 (01:26:08):

Speaker 3 (01:26:08):
Today is a Gilly's son's funeral as well too, so
sending them some love as well too.

Speaker 5 (01:26:13):
Yeah, definitely energy to both jad miss Sullivan. Sending healing
energy to my man Gilly and his family.

Speaker 2 (01:26:19):

Speaker 4 (01:26:20):

Speaker 3 (01:26:21):
So let's get into some things Drake and Elliott Wilson.
So for context for the people who you know, may
not have been familiar with the back and forth. Elliott
Wilson it came out and said that, you know, it
just it didn't look good and he didn't appreciate the
fact that Drake does interviews outside of the culture, meaning
like you know, the hip hop related platforms and things

of that nature. This came after Drake did that very
viral in the like sit down in the bed interview
TikTok Yeah, with the TikTok Girl.

Speaker 2 (01:26:49):
Which you got five million views on YouTube.

Speaker 5 (01:26:51):
And I disagreed with Elliott when he said that simply
because you know, the last few interviews we've seen Drake done.

Speaker 2 (01:26:56):
One was rap Radar, one was what Elliott.

Speaker 5 (01:26:58):
That's definitely cultural Elliott and b Dot, and one was
Little Yachty that's definitely cultural.

Speaker 2 (01:27:02):
And then you gotta remember, he's one of the biggest
pop stars in.

Speaker 3 (01:27:04):
The world, right so it's going to expand beyond hip
hop and it should I think that people we shouldn't
be boxed that way, but he did. Elliott did say that,
you know, he gave credit to the Little Yachty situation
that that interview. But so over the weekend, Roland Loud
happened in Miami and there were video footage of interviews
that Elliot Wilson was doing where you know, like the

stand up stuff or you walk up and you're doing
the interviews.

Speaker 4 (01:27:28):
He was doing an interview with.

Speaker 3 (01:27:28):
Trippy Red, and Drake came into the comments of where
one of the videos were posted I think it was
on ax page and said laugh allow men. Uh So,
basically he talked about me not coming on his platform
for a second time. And now Elliott is ten toes
down doing yes jewels, run up interviews at rolland Loud
with the laughing emojis, just admit that you've took over
Big Dog with more laughing emoji. So it's definitely a

shot back at Elliott Wilson.

Speaker 6 (01:27:53):

Speaker 2 (01:27:53):
Elliott gave Drake a jab and Drake jab back. Yeah.

Speaker 5 (01:27:59):
Ll hearn that, like, yeah, you can't. You can't, you know,
say what you want about somebody and expect them not
to respond.

Speaker 4 (01:28:05):
Elliott responded to and he had something to say.

Speaker 3 (01:28:07):
Before I go to Elliott responded, He said, oh, it's
cold time.

Speaker 2 (01:28:11):
Cool. What you're gonna do? Elliott? Come on, You're gonn
tweet them to death? Like, come on, Elliott. The thing is,
and I do get it.

Speaker 1 (01:28:21):
A lot of artists, you know, when they get popular
and they start popping, they don't come back to what
got them there. The thing with Drake is you named
the last four or five interviews, and one was rap Radar,
which is our culture, one was Ya, which people could
say it's our culture.

Speaker 2 (01:28:36):
And then he's also the biggest pop star in the world.
So for him to go down.

Speaker 5 (01:28:41):
I was looking on YouTube. We got like five million views,
so it maintence for him to do that. Then he
turned around and did on the radar.

Speaker 9 (01:28:47):
We did, We gave right.

Speaker 1 (01:28:48):
So our culture was a freestyle absolutely, and you know,
you know he releases a lot of his own stuff
on his own network on Serious he has his own
where he releases his own music.

Speaker 2 (01:28:58):
So and trust me, I don't want to agree with Drake.
I would rather I don't want to seem like crime,
even man like crime.

Speaker 5 (01:29:05):
I don't, but but I will say too though, there
is something Drake said, but there is some truth to it,
and it's the harsh.

Speaker 2 (01:29:11):
Reality that everybody. Everybody is going to have to accept it.
Don't matter if your media personality, don't matter if you're
a rapper or whatever. Sometimes you do grow out of things, correct,
It's really that simple. Sometimes you do grow out of things.
There's plenty of things. I'm sure you get after doing
all the time. I'd be like, no, go call nil.

You know what I'm saying, But wait, gave with somebody
to me and I.

Speaker 4 (01:29:36):
Feel like I'm youth.

Speaker 3 (01:29:38):
Elliott Wilson is like still like I watch his interviews
and stuff, So like, are you saying it to say
like he's washed?

Speaker 6 (01:29:43):

Speaker 5 (01:29:44):
No, no, no, I think you know doing interviews and
having conversations is one thing. Running up on artists that
rolling loud. That isn't something I want to see Elliot
Wilson doing. For Elliott Wilson to be the world renowned
journalists that he is, I don't want to see him
doing that for me.

Speaker 2 (01:29:57):
That's that's what. That's it. That's that's the young person's
gig right there.

Speaker 1 (01:30:02):
To me, my personal opinion, yeah, I mean and and
I love Elia shelteron my Virgo brother. But my problem
is this is Elliott has done in my opinion, this
is my opinion. He's done interviews with Whole that's right.
He's on interviews with Nipsey Hustle, He's done to sit
down with, you know, so many different people. So I
look at him a lot differently, you know. And I've
been asking to go to the Rolling Loud. I turned

it down. I like the BT was, I put on
the tucks, I put on the shoe. It's it's a
little different and American the red car, but it's just
a little different. But Elliott ain't hustling. That's hustling when.

Speaker 5 (01:30:32):
You backstage you're rolling loud with the microphone, you're looking
to see who you can get that stuff we would
do in twenties when we first started.

Speaker 3 (01:30:38):
So the interview was ushered over to him though, like
they brought him over, like, hey, you're gonna go talk
to Elliot Wilson.

Speaker 4 (01:30:42):
Is that your own.

Speaker 5 (01:30:43):
Rap radar platform there at Rolling Loud? And it was
a rap radar setup for Elliott Wilson and b Dot
and they were bringing artists to him to have conversations.

Speaker 2 (01:30:52):
Totally, he deserves that, absolutely A different ball game. That
was very like, now that's my Obama, that's I don't
like none of it though. I don't like. I don't
like y'all try to Elliott laugh. I don't like none
of it. I don't like Elliott.

Speaker 5 (01:31:08):
I don't like when you know, I saw a little
baby and what's the young brother's name. I can't remember
the other rapper name. They were having a conversation and
they were having conversation about who their favorite hip hop
media personality is, and you know, the brother said Sway
and then Elliott was like, he took that personal?

Speaker 2 (01:31:24):
Why why would you take that personal? That's Sway? Sway?

Speaker 3 (01:31:29):
Can I put something up, sir? Though, I feel like
one of the things we don't do a good job
of And this is me coming from like a different
you know, I'm younger than you guys. Is like when
people do get to a point where they should be iconic,
legendary status and they should be able to live in
that a lot of times, like we don't big them
up like we like were left. Like even with Drake,
this this is going so viral because he's laughing at
him and obviously, you know, maybe it's hitting the bone

for Elliott, like he's been the guy for so long,
like that transition is not easy. We talked about this
a little bit men, men and y'all egos. It's a
little bit different for y'all. Y'all handle things so different
when it comes to aging.

Speaker 1 (01:32:03):
I will say this with with Elliott, elliets Elliet's icon
in the legend from the days of double you know,
to rap rate off to what he's created, so they
can't take that away.

Speaker 2 (01:32:11):
And there are legends that we do salute like we
salute sway.

Speaker 5 (01:32:15):
That's why I didn't like the jabs. I'm like, it
was two people to me in this in this hip
hop media space that nobody can ever say anything about,
and that is Angie Martinez can't throw rocks that they
thrown in no way, shape or form. They've done things
that none of us will even be able to ever.
Do you know what I'm saying, was in the White
House with his hat on.

Speaker 2 (01:32:38):
What was gonna say?

Speaker 9 (01:32:40):
That is on his head?

Speaker 5 (01:32:41):
But still he was in the White House talking to
Barack with his hat on, Like there's certain people you
just don't even bother interview J and Knives after after
the fuse, you know what I'm saying, Like, it's certain
things that they that him and Angie Martinez have done
that solidified him forever.

Speaker 2 (01:32:56):
Nobody can throw rocks and the.

Speaker 1 (01:32:58):
Throw was the only person on MTV giving us black moments.

Speaker 2 (01:33:03):
Is a cartoon character on The Boondocks. That's right, Sway.

Speaker 5 (01:33:07):
It was an actual character on the Boot that he
was in an episode on Don't Play with Sway. We've
been doing more Don't play with Sway and Agie Martinez.
I'm not I don't want nobody playing with their names ever.
All right, When Drake says stay off the top, I
don't know what he's saying. That's top staff, the head,
that's like the top head. What do you say, stay
off their head? Like to leave Sway and Aggie Martinez
the loan that combination shun, that combinat shun.

Speaker 2 (01:33:30):
You leave those two alone. A lot of mercy. What
accent is that?

Speaker 6 (01:33:33):

Speaker 1 (01:33:33):
Whatever Drake was doing in that game, that on the
rate free style. All right, now, that was your room
and report. When we come back, let's get to the
mixed side. Happy birthday, Jay Lo. We're gonna start to
mix up with some j low b X.

Speaker 6 (01:33:44):
What up?

Speaker 2 (01:33:44):
It's the breakfast slogan Morning the Breakfast Club. Your mornings
will never be the same. When you're a business.

Speaker 5 (01:33:51):
Owner and you're juggling a lot of things, you need
a team of people to keep your business running successfully.

Speaker 2 (01:33:56):
How do you find and hire the right people? Zip
recruiter try it for free recruited dot com, Slash Breakfast.

Speaker 1 (01:34:01):
Hey, everybody's DJ n V Charlamagne the God. We are
the Breakfast Club. We shall have Lauren LaRosa here formerly
of t m Z.

Speaker 9 (01:34:08):

Speaker 1 (01:34:09):
How was your your first day with us? Because you're
coming back tomorrow?

Speaker 4 (01:34:11):
Oh my god, I'm at home. I love it here.

Speaker 2 (01:34:13):
You feel stressed, no stress, happy? Everything is good.

Speaker 3 (01:34:16):
Yes, Like I walked in, everybody was so good. The
great music was playing like the family Reunion. You was
playing this morning, like I just I.

Speaker 2 (01:34:24):
Took out music. You see how big the guy was
that I was playing that. But that's how it is
every morning.

Speaker 1 (01:34:30):
Every morning, you know, you play this cookout music and
as soon as you walk in, it feels good.

Speaker 2 (01:34:33):
The energy is there.

Speaker 1 (01:34:34):
I walked into you was already working. You was already
diving into stories.

Speaker 2 (01:34:37):
So yeah, in the morning.

Speaker 4 (01:34:39):
Yeah, I've had a great time. Thank you guys for
having me. Tomorrow.

Speaker 2 (01:34:43):
You're back tomorrow.

Speaker 4 (01:34:43):
Yes, I'm back tomorrow.

Speaker 1 (01:34:44):
All right, don't go out, don't stay out late tonight.
Oh I'm not okay, you sure, I'm sure. Listen, right
up the street, I.

Speaker 3 (01:34:52):
Heard y'all heard me said, I'm free agent building Bronco
Grinding podcast.

Speaker 4 (01:34:56):
I can't afford to say. I gotta be here tomorrow.

Speaker 2 (01:34:58):
Did you what said? Yeah? That d is right up
the block.

Speaker 1 (01:35:01):
I say, Delaware, I know, she said, y'all like y'all guy,
all right, when we come back, we got the positive notes.

Speaker 9 (01:35:14):
It don't move.

Speaker 2 (01:35:14):
It's the Breakfast Club. Good morning, and everybody, it's Deen
j Envy Charlamagne the guy.

Speaker 1 (01:35:18):
We are the Breakfast Club. I just want to remind
you guys. This weekend, we're in Atlanta for my car
show to pull up on us, you know, celebrity car
shot the PR eight. They bringing Young Dolph's whole fleet,
which is about thirty forty cars, so I salute to them.
And then also of course fifty cent bousy badass myself
Uptown Call Club. It's so many people are going to
be joining us, kids five and under a free It's
a family fun day, so bring the kids, bring your mama,

your grandpapa and all that. And I can't wait to
see you this weekend.

Speaker 2 (01:35:43):
Now, Charlamagne, it's her.

Speaker 5 (01:35:44):
You got a positive note for the people I do,
and I just want to remind people once again, man,
I'm being Charleston, South Carolina this Thursday, welcoming people to
the Low Country Mental Health Conference. Okay, go to low
Country Mhconference dot com to register. It is from the
twenty sixth to the twenty So I will see y'all there.
And the positive note comes from you know, one of
my favorite authors, one of my favorite thought leaders, doctor

Wayne W.

Speaker 2 (01:36:07):
Dyer. Rest in peace to him always.

Speaker 5 (01:36:09):
He once said, the state of your life is nothing
more than a reflection of the state of your mind.

Speaker 2 (01:36:16):
Remember that breakfast club Bitches, y'all finished or y'all done

FULL SHOW: Loren LoRosa Cohosts, Getting Back Because Of The D, Has A Relationship Ended Without Notice? and More! - The Breakfast Club | iHeart (2024)
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Author information

Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

Birthday: 1996-12-09

Address: Apt. 141 1406 Mitch Summit, New Teganshire, UT 82655-0699

Phone: +2296092334654

Job: Technology Architect

Hobby: Snowboarding, Scouting, Foreign language learning, Dowsing, Baton twirling, Sculpting, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.