Garbo&Friends Muslin Burp Cloths (3 pcs) - Honeysuckle (2024)

Garbo&Friends Muslin Burp Cloths (3 pcs) - Honeysuckle (1)

Garbo&Friends Muslin Burp Cloths (3 pcs) - Honeysuckle (2)

Garbo&Friends Muslin Burp Cloths (3 pcs) - Honeysuckle (3)

Coming Soon


Honeysuckle is the most fragrant and beautiful of vines, with its clusters of colourful florals that almost looks like they are smiling in the warm sunshine, it has a definite home in the Garbo floral line.TheHoneysuckle pattern is set on a light sandy background and features two tones of green climbing vines along with florals in yellow, gray and muted purple.

Garbo and Friend'sMuslin Burp cloths are made in cotton muslin that is tightly woven with the finest yarn, making it beautifully textured, heavenly soft, and lightweight as well as durable. The set includes one patterned cloth and two cloths in complementary solid colors. Burp cloths are useful to protect your garments when breastfeeding and, like their name indicates, to have on your shoulder when burping your baby after mealtime.

Ethically made in Portugal and OEKO-TEX® Certified.

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Product details:
Size:40 x 40cm.
Material:100% cotton muslin, OKO-TEX® Standard 100 Certified.
Care:Wash on gentle cycle 40°C,tumble dry in full drum, do not bleach.
Made in Portugal.

Garbo & Friends creates for our tiny heroes of the unspoken imagination, the masters of bitsy big exploration and conquerors of all our good intentions. When it comes to childrens accessories, products that inspire the unspoilt fantasy and suits the style conscious parent.

Garbo & Friends want to offer both parents and their babies, the best textile and accessory products through design, print, fabric, material and detail. As they see it there are often two sides to what you want for your baby, and what you want for your home. That is why the majority of their products have just that, two sides, a beautifully illustrated patterned side, and a solid colored side in carefully selected colors. Whether you are looking for a crib bumper, a duvet set, a cashmere blended blanket or a floorcushion, you will find a product that both you and your baby will love.


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Garbo&Friends Muslin Burp Cloths (3 pcs) - Honeysuckle (2024)
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Author: Annamae Dooley

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Name: Annamae Dooley

Birthday: 2001-07-26

Address: 9687 Tambra Meadow, Bradleyhaven, TN 53219

Phone: +9316045904039

Job: Future Coordinator

Hobby: Archery, Couponing, Poi, Kite flying, Knitting, Rappelling, Baseball

Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.