Recipe for Gluten Free Cornbread Skillet (2024)

My Recipe for Gluten Free Cornbread Skillet is a family and fan-favorite –it’s been shared on social media over forty-thousand times!

Recipe for Gluten Free Cornbread Skillet

I’ve been serving this low-carb cornbread recipe at our Thanksgiving dinner for years and it’s quite a hit.

It’s so good though, that the boys enjoy it year-round.

When I serve it to them, I melt butter and honey together and drizzle it over the warm cornbread straight out of the oven.

Keto Cornbread Recipes

I loved making cornbread when I was a kid growing up in the 1970s

Back then we used a mix, and smothered our cornbread in margarine. It was packed with sugar and one of my favorite treats.

Recipe for Gluten Free Cornbread Skillet (1)

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Now I make this special low carb keto cornbread recipe.

Corn in Cornbread

And the secret is out –there’s no corn in my cornbread. Why? I can’t digest corn.

My corn free cornbread is a bit of an oxymoron, but once you taste it, you won’t know the difference!

How to Make a Cornbread

This recipe for Gluten Free Cornbread Skillet is made with six ingredients total.

All you need to do is throw the almond flour, flaxmeal, salt, and baking soda in a food processor, then pulse in the eggs and apple cider vinegar.

Transfer the batter to a greased cast iron skillet pan to bake and voilá.

Warm keto cornbread straight out of the oven.

How to Make Cornbread Homemade

This homemade corn bread recipe is so dang easy it won’t bog you down when you’re cooking Thanksgiving dinner.

It’s also wonderful to throw in the oven as an after school snack for your little ones on a chilly day.

In fact, they might want to help you make it like mine did.

Gluten Free Cornbread Skillet

Recipe for Gluten Free Cornbread Skillet (2)

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Servings 8


  • In a food processor combine almond flour, flaxmeal, salt, and baking soda

  • Pulse in eggs and apple cider vinegar

  • Transfer batter to a greased 9 inch cast iron skillet

  • Bake at 350°F for 20-25 minutes

  • Serve

Prep Time 15 minutes mins

Cook Time 20 minutes mins

Total Time 35 minutes mins

Tried this recipe?Mention @elanaspantry or tag #elanaspantry!

How to Store Cornbread

I often make this Gluten Free Cornbread Skillet a day ahead of time.

After it bakes, I let it cool, then remove from the skillet.

To store, I wrap the cornbread in a paper towel, then zip it into a plastic bag and place it in the fridge.

It will keep for up to four days when stored this way.

Cornbread Almond Flour

The almond flour in this cornbread gives it an incredible flavor profile.

It makes me so happy to eat healthy keto cornbread and serve it to my family!

Is Cornbread Gluten Free

Wondering if cornbread is gluten free?

Made without wheat flour, my cornbread is 100% gluten free.

Cornbread Goes With?

Cornbread goes with so many delicious toppings.

We love it with my Gravy Recipe for Biscuits, or dipped in my incredible 3-Ingredient Cranberry Cherry Relish.

Here are some other classics you can try smothering it in:

  • Buttermilk
  • Honey
  • Jalapeños

Corn Bread Sweet

If you’d like cornbread that’s sweet, but still keto, you can add one-eighth teaspoon of stevia to the batter.

I’ve made it that way and it’s fantastic.

I think it would also be amazing with a tablespoon or two of honey added to the recipe, but I haven’t tried that so not sure if other ingredients need to be adjusted accordingly.

Recipe for Gluten Free Cornbread Skillet (6)

Gluten Free Cornbread in Cast Iron

This is a fantastic gluten free cornbread recipe.

Baking it in the cast iron skillet and serving it hot table side really takes it to the next level.

Bonus? Fewer dishes to clean equals a win-win for me.

Cast Iron Skillets Recipes

I love cooking in a cast iron skillet, it makes everything look and taste better!

So below, I’m sharing my favorite one pot meal, cast iron skillet recipes with you.

Spaghetti Squash Bake Recipe

My Keto Mac and Cheese Skillet Casserole is the perfect spaghetti squash bake recipe!

It’s made with nine ingredients total, including the salt and pepper.

The only other things you need to make this are ground beef, eggs, a touch of cream, cheese, and smoked paprika..

Huevos Rancheros Casserole

My seven ingredient Huevos Rancheros Casserolerecipe is made with eggs, olive oil, onion, salsa, cheese, salt, and pepper.

It’s a great one pot meal for a crowd.

Cauliflower Rice Mexican

Another wonderful one pot meal, my Mexican Chicken and Rice is made with eight ingredients and a cinch to prepare.

All you need is olive oil, cauliflower rice, chicken, onion, celery, chilies, chili powder, and salt.

Feel free to take it up and notch and top with diced avocados and cheese!

Keto Diet Healthy Recipes

My Recipe for Gluten Free Skillet Cornbread is perfect if you’re in need of Keto Diet Healthy Recipes.

So are the keto one pot meals above.

All of these low carb recipes are 100% gluten free and grain free, just like everything else on my website!

Making Cornbread

I hope you and your family enjoy making cornbread as much as we do.

What are you going to top your cornbread with?

Honey, green chiles, jalapeños? Leave a comment and let me know your favorite cornbread topping.

This Recipe for Gluten Free Skillet Cornbread is an oldie but goodie from the archives. I first shared it in 2016.

Recipe for Gluten Free Cornbread Skillet (2024)
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Name: Moshe Kshlerin

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Introduction: My name is Moshe Kshlerin, I am a gleaming, attractive, outstanding, pleasant, delightful, outstanding, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.